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Document: draft-ietf-tictoc-multi-path-synchronization-05

     Multi-Path Time Synchronization

Reviewer: Joel Halpern

Review Date: 15-Sept-2016

IETF LC End Date: 28-Sept-2016

IESG Telechat date: 29-Sept-2016

Summary: This document specifies two new PIM join/prune attributes for 
facilitating PIM mcast transports across LISP sites.

Major issues:

the draft assumes that PIM works within individual LISP sites but PIM mcast 
transport may not be supported among LISP sites. However the mechanism itself 
does not enforce a unique (unicast or mcast) underlay transport among LISP 
sites. Could some ETRs request unicast transport, other request multicast 
transport? The mechanism requires all LISP xTRs to run PIM protocol, right?

PIM join/prune msg are designed for PIM protocol. These two attributes are 
specifically designed for LISP purpose. Any concern here? From PIM perspective, 
they are optional attributes; are they "MUST" attributes for LISP (mcast)?

Minor issues: the draft uses many PIM and LISP terms without any explanation. 
It is hard for a reader to read it without knowledge of PIM and LISP protocol 
and terms.

It is not clear if Receiver RLOC attribute only applies to unicast transport or 
both unicast/mcast transport. Need to clarify.

Backward compatibility, without these two attributes in a join/prune msg from a 
LISP ETR, what that mean?

Nits/editorial comments:

Section 1: "to be notified should the root of the
   distribution tree move to another site."  Should "should" be "that"?

Section 5: several 'must' should be "MUST"


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