> If we do not have agreement on what the meaning is for the relevant
> terms, then either
> 1) The document should not be an IETF consensus document (which even
> Informational publication is)

Just a point on this: it's not true.

We have a "consensus" flag in the datatracker, which triggers a
boilerplate change.  It's always set to "yes" for Standards Track or
BCP, but for Informational and Experimental it can be set either way.
If it's set to "no", the boilerplate says that the document does not
have IETF consensus.  It's possible that when we're done with this
document it could settle into that.

It's also possible that we might convince the regext working group to
stop processing this document and suggest to the authors to go to the
ISE.  I don't think we're there yet, and at the moment the working
group has consensus to publish it as a working group product


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