On 11/27/2014 11:22 AM, Tim Davenport wrote:

Note well: in the matter of Mr. Corbett we are dealing with the issue of CIVILITY not the matter of THE WIKIPEDIA GENDER GAP.

If you read the evidence and the GGTF page you'd see Eric Corbett was being disruptive (while not always uncivil) because he did not want the group to have any effective voice against incivility. Many women consider personal attacks AND harassment to be a major issues driving women off the site, once they sign up and start to edit.

Thus Corbett's actions are highly relevant, as are those of a whole list of his friends and supporters and fellow travelers, on GGTF, at other gender gap related discussions, and at the Arbitration.

Of course, we all can disagree on whether "gang bang" and "gang bangers" are good /metaphors/ to describe their behavior at Arbitration. I still think it is, though if I wasn't totally fed up with Wikipedia, I probably would not use it. :-) For now, it's the best metaphor I've got to describe what I now see as Wikipedia's institutionalized harassment.
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