On 11/27/2014 12:36 PM, Reguyla wrote:
Carol: My guess is that pretty much everyone commenting here has and continues to, read the GGTF case. I also agree that Eric can be harsh and his use of certain words offends people. Likewise others in this case also didn't act very well.

Personally I think the term he used or the references you used are only offensive if people let them be and a lot of folks seem to be acting like children about using "naughty" words and language. Personally, I agree with your metaphor and it suits the situation quite well because I think parties on both sides of this debate are getting screwed and I don't think the Arbcom result is going to do anything but make sure no one wants to touch any gender/gender gap related articles.
The issue is NOT words, as I put it at GGTF talk page right now:

   /Every set back is just an opportunity for advancement./ Current
   events only have clarified and dramatized that harassment of those
   considered powerless (including women) is institutionalized within a
   small but powerful coterie of editors and administrators and now
   within ArbCom. (Harass those you want to get rid of til they leave
   or they over-react, then get them in trouble.)  (NOTE HERE: My use
   of those terms was only because I was harassed so much at
   Arbitration those words seemed like the most accurate way to
   describe what was going on!! Also note that I got banned from
   posting at Arbitration talk page because of the use of words to
   describe the complicity of ArbCom and the harassers.  Truth hurts?)

   Obviously WMF is going to have to take some incisive interventions.
   Listing and discussing various alternatives and lobbying for them is
   the solution. (Plus fun with videos.) Gender gap mailing list will
   at least have announcements about various steps taken by various
   individuals, some of which will be post-able here without getting
   anyone in trouble. (And if trolls have a fit and become disruptive,
   there's discretionary sanctions.) Meanwhile as a reminder of
   previously mentioned outside efforts: Genderdesk @ wordpress.com;
   twitter.com/SaidOnWP; and Wikipediocracy which needs to take a
   firmer stand; there do seem to be several sexist commentators there.
   I'm still undecided if want to deal with the drama there or not, and
   if with my real name or an anonymous handle for fun (and see how
   long before they figure out it's me). Anyway, as I always say,
   /onward and upward!/

/That's my story and I'm sticking to it - except as I elaborate further with more insights "-)


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