On Thu, 19 Jul 2018, Mark Murphy wrote:

Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 17:55:51 +0200
From: Mark Murphy <jmarkmur...@gmail.com>
To: general@attic.apache.org
Subject: Re: Clarifying the process for PMCs adopting codebases from the Attic

I don't know why you are trying so hard to keep XMLBeans dead. XMLBeans has
been revived by the POI PMC, not just for benefit of POI, but for whomever
needs updates. The updates benefit everyone, but keeping it in the attic
makes it look dead. This will be confusing to everyone who wants to use it.
There should be no website that says XMLBeans is retired. That will cause
confusion, and makes it look like ASF's left hand doesn't know what he
right hand is doing. I see no difference functionally between XMLBeans
being revived and the codebase being adopted. And there should be no
difference to the Jira or the website. This is being made far too difficult
with no benefit to Apache, but with serious negative repercussions to the

  I agree ; what has actually happened is that project XMLbeans moved

    from : pmc XMLbeans ; state : active
    via  : pmc Attic    ; state : retired
    to   : pmc Poi      ; state : active

  The fact that project XMLbeans was, for a while, "retired"
  is just an not-too-important, historic fact.

  For the future : if/when a PMC wants to take over an atticked
  codebase, a board resolution is required (in my view ; this is
  still being discussed), simply because a board resolution
  tasked Attic with management of the codebase, and only another
  board resolution can undo that.

  The point is that in the XMLbeans case, Poi wanted more than
  just the codebase ; it wanted everything ; fine.

  Since the board has to pass a resolution for the codebase-ownership,
  it might as well approve the revival of the /project/ (and all
  resources associated with it), and task the TO-PMC with managing
  the revived project.
  Apart from the (hopefully coming soon) board resolution,
  this was effectively done ; and everybody is happy, I think.

  I think that a PMC can't just take over just the codebase (without
  the responsibilities that come with running a project).
  They can fork, but the official codebase remains frozen ;
  this is just my opinion ; it is unexplored teritory.


  Henk Penning

In my mind step d) above is just wrong. Here is why. If I am trying to use
FROM, and looking for information on it, I will likely find FROM.apache.org.
Which will tell me it is dead, but maybe I will find another site under
TO.apache.org that looks almost entirely the same except it claims to be
alive. Now we have competing websites, with no benefit, only confusion. I
don see why that would be put forth as a good idea. F) is a bad idea
because there is no continuity in the Maven repository, and requires
massive refactoring for anyone who uses FROM. I still don't understand the
need to differentiate modules from the original. We don't rename modules
for anything else when the PMC changes. Just pretend the PMC changed for
XMLBeans, and it is revived.

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 8:43 AM Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>

Hi Attic team,

I just subscribed here - we had a discussion about this at yesterday's
Board meeting (thanks Henk for joining that), I think it's good to
clarify this and here looks like the best place.

IIUC the first occurence that just happened is

I didn't have a good phone link for that meeting yesterday so might
have missed some details but I felt like there was some confusion
between "project" and "codebase".

IMO, focusing on the adoption of the codebase, while keeping the
project's state as "in the Attic" with as few changes as possible
helps simplify and clarify what's happening.

So here we go, here's a tentative set of principles for PMCs adopting
codebases which are currently in the Attic.

1. When a project goes to the Attic, its PMC is terminated, which
means that the Apache Project ceases to exist.

2. The project's codebase, on the other hand, continues to exist in
the Attic. It's just frozen, so the ASF is not expected for example to
provide security fixes for code that's in the Attic.

3. If there's renewed interest in the project, it might be revived by
recreating a PMC, either via the Incubator or directly, as happens for
top-level projects. I don't think this has happened so far but it
feels easy to handle using existing processes.

4. Another option for the *codebase* (or part of it) to become active
again is for an existing PMC to adopt it, which is what happened in

If the above makes sense, I suggest the following (also tentative)
rules, assuming the codebase that's in the Attic belonged to project
FROM and it's the TO PMC which adopts it.

a) TO can adopt the FROM codebase that's in the attic, provided it's
not been adopted by a different PMC so far

b) Various modules of FROM might be adopted by different PMCs

c) For this to happen, a positive vote of the Attic PMC is sufficient,
on this list, backed by a JIRA ticket to describe the details and

d) When that happens, the FROM website is updated to indicate that TO
adopted the code, saying something like "The TO PMC has now adopted
the FROM codebase", indicating exactly which part(s) of the codebase
have been adopted. No other change is made to that website, it remains
frozen apart from that note. TO can copy the website content under
their own to evolve it, but the original FROM.apache.org domain
content must stay as it was when FROM moved to the Attic.

e) The Attic website is updated with that same information

f) TO can release the FROM modules that it adopted, using names like
TOO-FROM-module-V1.2.3 to differentiate those artifacts from the older
ones that FROM released - adding the TOO prefix to their names, both
for release archives and things like Java jars, etc.

g) Java package names etc. can remain as they were, for convenience

How does this sound?

Maybe this is how ATTIC-169 has been handled, though the note at
http://attic.apache.org/ saying that XMLBeans was "revived" can be
understood as the project getting back to life which is not the case
IMO - it's only the codebase that's been adopted.

Also, I don't see an Attic mention at http://xmlbeans.apache.org/ and
I think that's not good as per d) above.


------------------------------------------------------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Leuvenlaan 4, 3584CE Utrecht, NL          F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/

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