I've taken the Admin install CPF script and reworked it as a function library 
and removed the code related to default domains (I don't want default domains 
in any case).

What's left includes code to set up the pipelines and triggers, as described in 
the CPF Configuration chapter.


It also includes the loading of schemas that are used by the pipelines and I 
didn't see anything that does that (or mentions it) in the CPF API.

So unless I'm missing something (which is quite possible), I still need to do 
the schema loading.

What I've extracted from the Admin code seems like a convenient way to just get 
CPF in place so that you can then set up your custom domains.

It could be optimized for the needs of FlexRep, namely only bothering to even 
install the change and FlexRep pipelines but seems likely that other servers 
that will need automatic conversion might use other pipelines and there's no 
particular harm in having unused pipelines lying about.

Note my requirement is simply to have CPF available so that I can then 
configure FlexRep. The lack of a quick-and-easy way to programmatically install 
CPF is simply a roadblock to the real configuration I need to do,  namely 
configure FlexRep, which is otherwise easy enough to do (once one has 
understood how all the FlexRep parts fit together, which was a little harder 
than it should have been, but I think I've already commented on the FlexRep 

So I was really looking for a "call this one function to get CPF installed so 
you can continue on with your real task of getting FlexRep configured via a 
script" and I'm not seeing that out of the box.

Or said more directly: there's a one-button task in the Admin UI to get CPF 
installed for a database. There should be a corresponding single-call function 
to do it programmatically and the FlexRep docs should make reference to that 
function at the same time they refer to the manual CPF installation process.



Eliot Kimber

On 1/22/18, 5:32 PM, "general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com on behalf of 
Mary Holstege" <general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com on behalf of 
mary.holst...@marklogic.com> wrote:

    There isn't a single API that orchestrates all the pieces, but there are  
    APIs do do all the necessary parts in the pipelines and domains modules.  
    These should be executed against your triggers database. If you share a  
    triggers database, you don't need to do it all over again.
    p:insert to put a pipeline XML into the right collections etc.
    dom:configuration-create to create the overall configuration object that  
    defines your restart user etc.
        You need to do this before you create domains or things will go  
    horribly wrong.
    dom:create to define your domains
    dom:add-pipeline to attach pipelines if you didn't put them in the domain  
    in dom:create
    All default pipelines are in the Installer directory.
    The thing in the admin GUI makes some default assumptions about some of  
    this that aren't always the appropriate thing to do.
    I'd suggest making a script that creates the domains you want and loads  
    and attaches the appropriate pipelines.
    On Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:09:23 -0800, Eliot Kimber <ekim...@contrext.com>  
    > I'm putting together a script that will do all the configuration for a  
    > server all the way through defining a FlexRep app server, domains, and  
    > targets. The requirement is avoid the need for any manual intervention  
    > once the configuration is started.
    > The one fly in this ointment is the CPF--since I'm creating new  
    > databases they of course won't have CPF installed, so I need to install  
    > the CPF into those that are involved in FlexRep.
    > As far as I can tell there is no API for doing this API (there should  
    > be), so I'm going to attempt to simply call the  
    > Admin/database-cpf-admin-go.xqy module, which seems simple enough (I  
    > only need to specify the database name as far as I can tell).
    > But calling an Admin module like this feels a little dirty and has some  
    > risk since it's not a published API and there's no guarantee it will not  
    > change without warning in the future (although the risk seems pretty  
    > small since it's a module that hasn't changed in ages and it's only  
    > called in one place in my code).
    > Is there a better way to automate installation of the CPF than doing  
    > what the "confirm CPF installation" UI form does?
    > This is in the context of setting up new servers on demand, e.g., in a  
    > Docker environment where this server has a very narrow use.
    > Thanks,
    > Eliot
    > --
    > Eliot Kimber
    > http://contrext.com
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