> But it seems like you are declaring, here, that you are offering to be

I was sitting back waiting to be challenged on this very point. Because a
challenge to me will be a challenge to the rest of us.

I have not been altogether idle. But I have to face the fact that my best
work has always been cooperative work – and all the better when I'm not the

Apple must have upwards of a thousand documenters and "evangelists" – if
they still use the term. Jsoftware has a self-help group (this forum).

One more thing. IME the J engine is an ironclad made of titanium. From the
forums I see massive effort in making it even better. Yes, there's always
more honour in crewing a trim ship than a clapped-out hulk, and the Addons
library gives the impression of being the Cinderella of combined J effort.
But the non-J world will judge it by what it makes possible. If it weren't
for Unix/Linux and its vast library of invaluable apps (the Mac is almost
entirely built on them), who would give C/C++ the time of day? Ditto
Google/Raspberry Pi – and Python? The world-wide web – and Javascript?

On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 7:05 AM, Roger Stokes <
r...@rogerstokes.free-online.co.uk> wrote:

> Well said, Ian.
> There is an old joke: documentation is like sex, because when it's good
> it's very good, and even when it's bad it's a hell of a lot better than
> nothing.
> On 4/29/2018 1:55 AM, Ian Clark wrote:
>> AFAIK, the current set of addons is in reasonably good shape, if not
>> always properly documented. Are you aware of specific issues with them?
>> It's how they're documented that concerns me. But without even a "how to
>> proceed" message on loading – just nothing – the addon in question is by
>> definition not in good shape. If you're directed to someone's house you've
>> never visited, and the door's kicked in or nailed-up, do you expect to
>> find
>> the inside in reasonably good shape?
>> Taking the side of a novice J-er, as usual, I'd have issues with over half
>> of them. If I go in along the recommended route:
>>     http://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Addons
>> …I see a comprehensive listing of addons for which over half the links are
>> red (=missing). (58 red, 51 blue, 4 black.)
>> An even smaller proportion of addons have a lab. Failing which, is it too
>> much to ask for a working sample invocation of the chief verb for every
>> addon? If pacman showed this it would be miles more informative than the
>> airy description it usually offers.
>> I've been trying recently to explore our addons library, to fill the gaps
>> in my knowledge and avoid reinventing the wheel. Without consistent
>> documentation of the most basic sort, the task that faces me is herculean.
>> Now I'm not a novice user, and I have powerful tools, so nothing much
>> stops
>> me for long. So please don't offer to hold my hand in individual cases.
>> That misses the point.
>> On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 1:47 PM, chris burke <cbu...@jsoftware.com>
>> wrote:
>> AFAIK, the current set of addons is in reasonably good shape, if not
>>> always
>>> properly documented. Are you aware of specific issues with them?
>>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Ian Clark <earthspo...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> It might be nice to have a way of marking addons as broken, either
>>>> with a
>>>> todo/fixme note or maybe just a documented way of deleting them?
>>>> I think that's a splendid idea.
>>>> Whenever I engage with an addon I've never used before, it takes me far
>>> too
>>>> long to conclude that it's derelict. To stop our treasury of addons
>>>> degenerating into a midden, I'd welcome an accepted *easy* way of
>>> alerting
>>>> the owner – or fellow-users – to broken code (i.e. not a full-blown bug
>>>> tracker).
>>>> Am I the only one? Are we going to do something about it? Are we going
>>>> to
>>>> finish what we start?
>>>> What's the best/most obvious alert mechanism? …the Talk page of the
>>> landing
>>>> page for the Addon in question at code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Addons
>>>> <http://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Addons/GitHub> ? This forum? Or
>>> something
>>>> Github-based? (and hence over the vendor's horizon)?
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