> I'm travelling at the moment, and quite frankly until Gump gets back to
> the point where I can experiment on a change with a edit/compile/debug
> cycle measured in minutes instead of hours, all of my contributions will
> be "in the margins".

Understood. Between TextDocument (ugly&crude, but --text if you want it) and
ForrestDocument (slow) we don't have a nice option for quick runs.

Mind you, there are lots of things you could help with on the margins,
giving us Pythonic/Gumpological input. :-)

> Furthermore, my knowledge of Forrest is nearly
> approximately zero at the moment.

Mine too (of it's internals). I write simple XML docs (it's xdocs, using a
subset of this
http://xml.apache.org/forrest/document-v11.dtdx.html#document, that I coded
into xdocs.py), and Forrest works & generates HTML/sites. That was what I
was hoping for.

It takes too long for any human to care to wait for, which is unfortunately
where things fall down. I never really wanted/expected humans to have/want
to, that is just how they've worked out, since we have poor alternatives.

> My brief forray into ForrestDocumenter lead me to the conclusion that a
> good percentage of that code is really producing things like tables and
> not particularly Forrest specific.

Yes, basically page after page of paragraphs/lists/tables. In part 'cos that
is all we get with xdocs, in part that is all I think we need. I wish we
could abstract the 'data gathering/page forming logic' of this out of class
(so we could have HTML or xdoc outputs), and I might try. This code isn't
'bad', but I have a gut feeling it could be a lot better.

If anybody has an itch to work with Cheetah, I am more than game to help
build a TemplateDocumenter. I could stub one out, if folks were interested.

> A way to manage the flotsam and jetsam is to write everything to a
> directory whose name is based on today's date.  "latest" can be a
> symbolic link to the current date.  At the beginning of the run can be
> some code to create the directory if it doesn't exist (and updating the
> symbolic link as required), and to delete all but the last "n"
> directories that may exist.

Any chance you could take a look back at my mail with subject '--dated'. (If
you use eyebrowse, be warned, it's index may still be dorked for us.) I was
hoping for something as simple as putting things into a @@DATE@@ directory,
but Nick pointed out that I have RSS and Atom file that ought be kept in a
fixed (dateless) location. [Hmm, maybe 'latest' satisfys this.]

In passing, do you have views on us dotting RSS and Atom files throughout
the hierarchy? I wanted to allow folks to subscribe to multiple channels
(whilst keep coding simple) so I created different files for 'workspace',
'module', 'project' levels. If we didn't have these, we'd have far less
issue with matching hierarchies (for RSS) with dates ones for HTML.

> Anyway, my suggestion is that if you can get something which
> approximately works, I can help complete it.  And we can clearly leave
> the static forrest code in place until there is something worth
> replacing it.

Sure, I'll get there, but it comes third. Work work, SVG work (having fun),
then this. I won't forget though, and I'll keep this list abreast of



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