David Crossley wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

There are 4 ASF descriptos that currently don't reside in our repository:

 1) avalon_trunk
 2) cocoon
 3) forrest
 4) lenya

and a few others (3) from outside.

I would strongly suggest that we start moving them.

The only problematic one is cocoon's since it's a central piece of the build system. But this can be easily solved with "svn:external" if we move the metadata in SVN.

At Forrest our module.xml is an integral part of our build.

I gather that we could use the "svn:externals property" too.

yes, if that's the need, yes. note however, how svn:external works only on a folder (or, at least, I couldn't make it work on a single file)

an alternative, which I'm considering for cocoon too, is to use a <get> operation in the build.xml that fetches the file directly from the CVS repository via viewCVS.

This would allow us to avoid moving the metadata to SVN entirely!

We could instead re-structure our build system at Forrest
to not depend on the module.xml file. At first glance it is
just to grab our version number. However, we are just about
to enter a release process, so not yet.

hmmm, if it's just the version number, it's a trivial change, as you can place that into the build.properties files and be as happy.

in any case, it is failing so I will start moving it over anyway. you guys can decide what to do on your own.

Anyway, +1 from me (still need to raise on forrest-dev)

please do

for moving our metadata to the Gump repository
and +1 for moving all Gump metadata to SVN.

with the above <get trick it might not be necessary for now.


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