> there are a few projects that gump builds that are not ASF projects and
> are not used by any ASF project. I think the ASF already has enough
> things to build for ourselves and gump is not a public service.

I hear you, but since Gump was a "social experiment" not an ASF build tool,
some of this was reach out. Don't forget that some non-ASF projects that
Gump built became ASF projects, e.g. ws-juddi.

> I personally think that it is abusive for comitters to use their access
> to add projects that are not required.

I don't know as much (partly since I added a few of them ;-). Other folks
had the ability to -1 any. We used to run once a day, and as such it wasn't
such a big deal.

> Examples of such projects are Barcode4j, Antworks, Smartfrog, but I'm
> sure I can found more (and, in fact, I'll write some code to outline
> those and automate the checks).

> I propose that we remove those projects from the gump.xml profile that
> is ran on brutus (we can keep the descriptors there, that doesn't hurt)
> but I would like to remove all those "leaves" projects from using
> cpu/disk space.

We have grown a lot larger in recent months, and are using a lot more
CPU/disk. Further, we are trying to do more than one Gump workspace (JDK1.5,
Kaffe, etc.) As such, maybe we do have to trim down. If it helps with that
that, then go for it.

For Gump to scale (as Niclas mentioned) we do need to federate somehow, but
that is a separate topic & this seems a practical step until then. Folks who
really want to be included could petition us for re-inclusion.



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