> When a project is not built because one of the dependencies didn't build
> and then gets build again because the dependency solved its problems,
> the project receives an email that is has no longer a problem.
> We have concensus to feel that this is annoying and the projects should
> be made aware of their change in status *only* when they fix their own
> problems, not when people down the road does.
> Either we solve this, or we stop sending email until we figure out a
> better way because this is harming our ability to make gump appear useful.

I think it'd bug me too. ;-)

That said, I thought this code would've taken care of that.

In actor/notify/logic.py we have:

    elif entity.isSuccess():
        # Notify on first success, after a failure.
        if (stats.sequenceInState == 1):
            if not STATE_PREREQ_FAILED == stats.previousState:
                if stats.getTotalRuns() > 1:


So -- I'm missing something. If they failed to build due to pre-requisite
failure they ought not get the notification. Maybe I broke something when I
hacked in attempting to build from repository (previously built artifacts).
I'll look into is ASAP.

BTW: We really need your historical database, so we can query not hack. :-)



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