Peter Janes wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >We do have a <depend> entry for "ant-contrib" which provides
> >that "for" task, but Gump does not seem to pick it up.
> >
> >Is our descriptor missing something, e.g. a nested entry for
> >the <ant> or something? Sorry, i cannot figure it out.
> ant-contrib recently removed the "for" task from the 
> file, so the only way to get it is via antlib.  "for" depends on Ant 1.6, 
> which also introduced antlibs, so it's a way to enforce that version.  
> There were several messages on their cvs list that said "this will break a 
> lot of builds", but when I last looked they seemed fine with that.

Ah, wow, thanks. So Gump was just doing its job, and reporting issues to us.

> The way to fix the build is to use namespacing, which is also part of 1.6. 
> First, remove the <taskdef/> that loads the properties file.  Then add a 
> namespace definition to your <project/> tag...
>       <project ... xmlns:antcontrib="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">
> and then use that namespace to prefix all of your ant-contrib tasks...
>       <antcontrib:for param="foo">
>               ...
>       </antcontrib:for>
> Hope this helps,
> Peter J.

I expect that it will, thanks.


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