On Oct 26, 2005, at 9:22 PM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

At least on vmgump there is an empty line in smf.mf between
Bundle-Version in the main section and Sealed: true.  This line makes
the Sealed attribute the first one of a new section, which in turn
makes the manifest invalid.

That's what I suspected, but any idea why Ant would do that on vmgump, but not elsewhere?

Here's the first few lines of the <manifest> task:

    <manifest file="${derby.jar.dir}/lists/smf.mf">
<attribute name="Bundle-Vendor" value="Apache Software Foundation"/> <attribute name="Bundle-Name" value="Apache Derby ${major}.$ {minor}"/> <attribute name="Bundle-Version" value="${major}.${minor}.$ {maint}.${changenumber}"/>

        <attribute name="Sealed" value="true"/>
        <section name="org/apache/derby/impl/tools/sysinfo/">
          <attribute name="Sealed" value="false"/>

What I get is:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2
Created-By: 1.4.2
Bundle-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Name: Apache Derby 10.2
Sealed: true

Name: org/apache/derby/impl/tools/sysinfo/
Sealed: false

Any clues? Maybe an old, invalid manifest hanging around that's not being overwritten?


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