I mentioned I'd be interested, I still am.  I'd like to be a committer
(I think I am automatically, at least through the incubation period,
by virtue of being on the Incubator PMC), but it seemed to me like
having the entire Lucene PMC group as mentors was enough, so I didn't
add myself as a mentor formally on the proposal.  If another mentor is
needed, I'll be glad to help in that capacity as well.


On 1/10/06, Doug Cutting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Garrett Rooney wrote:
> > I believe there were a few people from outside the Lucene PMC who
> > volunteered (Paul Querna did, and perhaps some others), it seems
> > useful to get people from other parts of the ASF involved, just to
> > encourage cross pollination of ideas.
> That would be great.  I did not understand these as offers to mentor,
> but rather as interest in becoming Solr developers.  If they're in fact
> offers to help mentor, then I encourage interested Incubator PMC members
> to add themselves to the proposal on the wiki.
> Doug
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Yoav Shapira
System Design and Management Fellow
MIT Sloan School of Management
Cambridge, MA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.yoavshapira.com

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