--On January 17, 2006 11:36:23 AM -0800 Andrew Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While this submission starts with the primary widget
toolkit needed to start building AJAX applications, there
is a need for server-side code to complete the model. And
Java is a natural solution for this part and it ties in
nicely with Tomcat and other solutions already at Apache.

I hope this helps explain why there is some Java code
in the client library. And, as for scope, I don't think
the AJAX toolkit will stop simply at client-side widgets
because that's only half of the picture. But I think we
can start there and have it grow/evolve over time.


Before I would vote +1, I'd like to see this mentioned in the proposal (that is, it intends to create server-side code as well) so that this is clear from the project's outset. -- justin

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