On 5/6/06, Cliff Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/24/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> really need to try to find time to get to grips with the documentation
> the foundation and incubator sites. been thinking about making this a
> of mine for infrathon/hackthon in dublin (though sorting out my flights
> another job i should have done but haven't).

Let's do it.  We've been talking about the documentation problem for
years.  We've made a good bit of progress every once in a while during
those years, but I bet we could make a whole lot of progress if we
forced ourselves to all get together and dedicate 4-16 hours on it
during the hackathon.  Noel, Jean, and a few others have also talked
about working on docs lately; I've wanted to help, but haven't made
the time to work on anything not directly related to legal stuff.

So, let me put it this way: I'm committed to sit at a table for at
least eight hours during the two hackathon days and make some progress
on this stuff with Robert and whomever else can make it.  We should
also be able to have some live collaboration over irc with folks who
aren't able to make it to Dublin.

sounds like a good plan :-)

unless anyone beats me to it, i'll post something announcement-esque to
somewhere appropriate (maybe community and/or site, or possibly an
announcements list)

BTW i've started on a little project already (inspired by a comment David
Reid made months ago). i'm going through and add indexes to the existing
documents (using a style sheet to speed things up). i hope to add a detailed
index to either the main dev page or linked from it. the index will be
generated using xslt to make it easy to maintain.

- robert

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