On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 21:18 -0700, Cliff Schmidt wrote:
> >
> > Umm, I don't think so.  As a TAG member, I encountered many discussions
> > that were in members-only areas, and they are still going on (XML
> > Schema,
> > for example).  The TAG would refuse to participate in any such
> > discussion,
> > which often required permissions be obtained to move comments from a
> > private forum to a public one.  W3C decisions are all made in public.
> > Maybe you are referring to working groups that have been initiated in
> > the past five years?

Yes probably .. its a preferred policy that was set up like 4-5 years
ago - definitely before the schema WG was set up. The TAG has always
been public right? I'm not on the tag list now but I was on it for a
long time!

Anyway all the lists are archived and subscribable:

> yep -- I figured Sanjiva was just thinking of the WGs in the Web
> Services Activity, which have tended to follow the policy he
> described.  

No its not limited to WS groups.

> There have been a few others like that, but my
> experience/observation has been that the majority of W3C WGs still do
> most of their work on private lists.  It can still be an ordeal just
> to get some WGs to make f2f minutes available publicly.

That's just a WG that's purely badly managed. Most groups that I know of
now take minutes via IRC and run the log thru a script to gen the
minutes immediately .. plus the raw minutes are avail on the Web
immediately live thru Zakim.

Anyway, we digress .. ;-).


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