> I am curious to know how did Mime4J go from SourceForge to the
> Apache James project, and apparently not passing the Incubator??

It is a gray area, but when it was discussed the consensus was that it was
the work of ASF Committers and being brought into the JAMES community as a
separate codebase, but within a single community of Committers, not a
separate project or sub-project, so it was done as an IP Clearance.  Amongst
the various reasons for recording IP Clearance in a central location is that
it provides wider oversight in case someone wants to raise a flag.

jSPF, for example, is a peer of MIME4J, and was bootstrapped from code we
received from the outside, but the contributor did not come with the code,
as he has no time to participate.  We took that entirely within JAMES, where
development is done by existing JAMES committers.

We've recently reorganized the JAMES web site to highlight the other
components, not just the JAMES server, and certainly welcome additional
participation.  Geronimo has asked about transferring responsibility for the
JavaMail implementation.  It might be appropriate.  And one or two folks
working on Commons E-Mail have started to look at MIME4J.

        --- Noel

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