On 11/2/06, David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The OFBiz podling (PPMC and community) has reached a consensus
internally approving the 4.0.0 TS5 test snapshot release. We are now
requesting a vote for review and approval from the general Incubator
group and the Incubator PMC.

+0 ATM (i have a couple of questions)

important notes

(please read but IMHO action is not required for this release)

is CPL'd. note that under this draft
http://people.apache.org/~cliffs/3party.html distribution would not be
allowed. this is draft policy ATM. may need to either create a clean
room implementation or raise issue on legal-discuss.


may not be under an open source compatible license (note that
modification is not explicitly allowed but all rights are not
restricted). standard DTDs are a difficult subject: many licenses used
are not open source compatible. may need to ask on legal. i think that
a clean room implementation of the DTD from the specification under
the apache license (if that is possible) may be easier and quicker
than untangling the legal issues. same goes for

would this be possible?

ofbiz.jar does not contain LICENSE and NOTICE in it's META-INF. so
this jar cannot be distributed as a bare artifact. for example, this
means that it cannot be distributed through the maven repository.

do you intend to ban distribution by maven?

- robert

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