
On Jul 16, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Niall Pemberton wrote:

I tried running mvn:site on the source distro, but it failed
generating the javadocs because the uimaj-as pom.xml specifies
<source>1.4</source> for the javadoc plugin and there are JDK 1.5+
features used. When I changed that to "1.5" the javadocs generation
then failed throwing a MissingResourceException with the message
"Can't find resource for bundle
com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.resources.standard, key
doclet.malformed_html_link_tag" - in the uimaj-ep-runtime-deployeditor
module - unfortunately doesn't indicate which class is causing that.

IMO this is not a showstopper (would be nice to fix for the next
release) and the main build (mvn:install) works fine and everything
looks like it is in place - so +1 from me for the release.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Marshall Schor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Please review and vote on approving the 1st release of Apache UIMA- AS, an add-on to base UIMA. The release artifacts and the annotated RAT reports
can be found here:

UIMA-AS originally came to Apache under a software grant, and has an IP
Clearance form recorded:
http://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/uima-as.html and linked from

The UIMA project dev-list vote to release was 6 +1's, and no other votes;
see the vote here: http://markmail.org/message/t6l2ineufbr3qo4g

UIMA-AS adds a scaleout capability to base UIMA based on asynchronous
messaging; it makes use of the recently released UIMA base 2.2.2- incubating level, as well as Apache ActiveMQ and the Spring middleware framework (also
licensed under the Apache v.2 license), internally.

Because this release includes a distribution of parts of ActiveMQ, which in
turn is classified as a 5D002 export, we submitted classification for
UIMA-AS also as a 5D002 category.  The http://apache.org/licenses/exports/
page has been updated to reflect this.

Thanks.  -Marshall

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