
Thank you!
> +1 
> Dan
> On Thursday 13 November 2008 12:41:56 pm Paul Fremantle wrote:
>> The Stonehenge proposal has been around for discussion for a while,
>> and we now have a wide set of contributors and mentors, so I'd like to
>> call a vote. I know there are some other potential mentors and or
>> contributors still considering getting involved, but the normal Apache
>> process of course allows that at any time.
>> The proposal is here:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/StonehengeProposal
>> And also included at the end:
>> Please vote +1 to accept, or -1 with reasons to not accept as a podling.
>> Paul
>> StonehengeProposal
>> Project Stonehenge
>> Abstract
>> Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
>> Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best
>> practise and interoperability.
>> Proposal
>> The aim of the Stonehenge project is to develop a set of sample
>> applications to demonstrate seamless interoperability across multiple
>> underlying platform technologies by using currently defined W3C and
>> OASIS standard protocols.
>> We are proposing this incubator project because we believe that a
>> project that includes a set of sample applications, with multiple
>> language and framework implementations will become a useful and
>> important part of the SOA landscape. It will:
>>     *
>>       illustrate and develop best practice for interoperable
>> applications that communicate via distributed protocols,
>>     *
>>       demonstrate interoperability between platforms,
>>     *
>>       provide sample code upon which SOA developers can build,
>>     *
>>       help identify interoperability issues and their solutions, and
>>     *
>>       build confidence in cross-platform deployment of SOA technologies.
>> We believe that pursuit of these objectives at Apache has a number of
>> significant benefits:
>>    1.
>>       Attractiveness of Apache to the wide range of vendors and
>> customers willing to participate in the conception, development, and
>> implementation of new scenarios.
>>    2.
>>       A well-established, neutral forum and process for architectural
>> design and implementation.
>>    3.
>>       The flexibility of the Apache License to allow users to leverage
>> Stonehenge without onerous conditions.
>> Initially WSO2 will contribute an application called StockTrader,
>> which is currently implemented in various languages based on
>> Axis2/Java and Axis2/C including Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, and
>> Spring. This will form the first of several applications which will be
>> built in this incubator podling. In addition, we will invite
>> contributions of other "stock trader" applications, including the
>> Microsoft StockTrader sample found at [WWW]
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/bb499684.aspx. We also
>> invite contributions from any other organization who has similar
>> applications or technologies.
>> Interoperability between the WSO2 StockTrader 2.0 application and the
>> Microsoft StockTrader 2.0 has already been demonstrated and we expect
>> to demonstrate wider interoperability.
>> Going beyond StockTrader, we expect to develop additional applications
>> that demonstrate SOA principles in an open and collaborative manner
>> within the Stonehenge community.
>> Current Status
>> The development to date of the StockTrader application has
>> successfully shown the benefits of cross-platform interoperability and
>> have provided a useful example to developers on those platforms.
>> However, the StockTrader application as currently implemented has
>> limitations, including a limited repertoire of technologies (e.g.
>> focusing primarily on WS-Security), and a limited number of
>> implementation platforms (Axis2/Java, Axis2/C). We expect that this
>> podling would expand the scope of this effort to a wider set of
>> implementation platforms (including but not limited to Apache
>> technologies such as Apache CXF) as well as bring in a wider, more
>> diverse community of participants.
>> Meritocracy
>> One of the core aims of the Stonehenge proposal is to encourage
>> meritocracy and contribution. One core aim in coming to Apache is to
>> use the well-defined governance model that Apache has and to encourage
>> the developers of frameworks to get involved and contribute
>> implementations of the core components. A good proportion of the
>> project participants are experienced Apache contributors and totally
>> understand the Apache meritocracy approach. Everyone involved see that
>> as being crucial to the success of this project.
>> Core Developers
>> The core developers are all listed in the initial committers list
>> later in this proposal.
>> Alignment
>> The project already uses core libraries from the [WWW] Apache WS
>> project including [WWW] Apache Axis2/Java, [WWW] Rampart and [WWW]
>> Sandesha2. In addition, the PHP, Perl, and Python versions use the
>> [WWW] Apache Axis2/C libraries. We hope to develop versions that
>> utilize at least the [WWW] Apache CXF and [WWW] Apache Qpid projects
>> in the future. For build we intend to use [WWW] Apache Maven.
>> Known Risks
>> Orphaned Products
>> We are enthusiastic about the potential to participate on the
>> Stonehenge project if it goes forward. The StockTrader application and
>> other applications are already considered a core part of WSO2's
>> offerings and we expect new applications developed to be similarly
>> important. We also intend to utilize these applications to demonstrate
>> ongoing interoperability. The success of Stonehenge will rely on
>> developing a community and we think it offers an exciting opportunity.
>> Inexperience with Open Source
>> The proposed group of committers includes people with varying amounts
>> of experience at Apache, but everyone is interested in the potential
>> of the project and to its success at Apache. The intent is for the
>> existing Apache committers to mentor the rest of the developers.
>> Homogeneous Developers
>> The proposed developers come from <n> companies. The developers have
>> already experience in working together across company boundaries and
>> welcome input from other developers – either independent, existing
>> Apache committers, or those in companies that wish to participate in
>> Stonehenge.
>> Leveraging the Strong Apache Brand
>> We strongly believe that the ASF is the right place for this project
>> and to develop a community. Firstly, the ASF offers a set of
>> governance practices and models that are independent of any company.
>> We believe this is vital in creating interoperable cross-framework and
>> cross-language distributed applications and systems. We also believe
>> that demonstrating interoperability can be accomplished in the
>> collaborative environment, and that we can help developers and users
>> better understand each others frameworks and code, which will help
>> identify and resolve problems. Although interoperability can be
>> achieved by design, or through private collaborative efforts, we
>> believe forums like Apache offers a valuable alternatives for
>> developers from different companies and technological backgrounds to
>> come together to help increase interoperability between technologies.
>> Documentation
>> Existing documentation for the WSO2 Stocktrader application can be found
>> here:
>>     *
>>       [WWW] http://wso2.org/interop/stocktrader
>> Initial Source
>> Apache would receive all source and documentation contributions under
>> the Apache contributor's agreements. Contributions of the sample
>> applications (or related materials) do not include any commercially
>> available enabling technologies or standards that may be referenced in
>> the sample applications.applications, or which the sample applications
>> are related to.The WSO2 source is already available under the Apache
>> license here: [WWW]
>> https://wso2.org/repos/wso2/trunk/interop/stocktrader/
>> External Dependencies
>> As a project demonstrating broad interoperability, the project should
>> encourage the broadest possible implementation of each sample
>> application. We thus expect certain components of the application to
>> be run on open source licensed platforms, on dually licensed
>> platforms, as well as on commercially licensed platforms. The existing
>> Stocktrader code bases variously depend on Apache projects (Apache
>> Axis2/Java, Apache Axis2/C, Apache Maven), on other open source
>> systems such as WSO2 WSF/PHP and Spring (through WSO2 WSF/Spring).
>> Future contributions could depend on proprietary systems such as
>> Microsoft .Net or commercial JEE servers.
>> Cryptography
>> Stonehenge will use the existing Apache technologies (Rampart,
>> Rampart/C, WSS4J) and may leverage other technologies such as IBM,
>> Microsoft, Oracle or other frameworks for security and cryptography.
>> There is no code contributed or expectation of contributions that
>> implement cryptography itself.
>> Required Resources
>> Mailing Lists
>>     *
>>       stonehenge-private
>>     *
>>       stonehenge-dev
>>     *
>>       stonehenge-commits
>>     *
>>       stonehenge-user
>> Subversion Directory
>>     *
>>       [WWW] [WWW] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/stonehenge
>> Issue Tracking
>>     *
>>       JIRA : Stonehenge (Stonehenge)
>> Other Resources
>>     *
>>       None
>> Initial Committers
>>     *
>>       Samisa Abeysinghe ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Drew Baird ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Kamaljit Bath ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Michael Champion ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Glen Daniels ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Senaka Fernando ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Paul Fremantle ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Daniel Kulp ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Mark Little ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Jonathan Marsh ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Ole Matzura ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Niclas Reimertz ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Carl Trieloff ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Sanjiva Weerawarana ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Afkham Azeez ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Ruwan Linton ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Deepal Jayasinghe ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Nandana Mihindukulasooriya ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> Affiliations
>>     *
>>       Samisa Abeysinghe WSO2
>>     *
>>       Drew Baird Microsoft
>>     *
>>       Kamaljit Bath Microsoft
>>     *
>>       Michael Champion Microsoft
>>     *
>>       Glen Daniels WSO2
>>     *
>>       Senaka Fernando University of Moratuwa
>>     *
>>       Paul Fremantle WSO2
>>     *
>>       Daniel Kulp Progress Software
>>     *
>>       Mark Little Red Hat
>>     *
>>       Jonathan Marsh WSO2
>>     *
>>       Ole Matzura Eviware
>>     *
>>       Niclas Reimertz Eviware
>>     *
>>       Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar WSO2
>>     *
>>       Carl Trieloff Red Hat
>>     *
>>       Sanjiva Weerawarana WSO2
>>     *
>>       Afkham Azeez WSO2
>>     *
>>       Ruwan Linton WSO2
>>     *
>>       Nandana Mihindukulasooriya WSO2
>> Sponsors
>> Champion
>>     *
>>       Paul Fremantle ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> Nominated Mentors
>>     *
>>       Danese Cooper ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Daniel Kulp ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Matthieu Riou ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>     *
>>       Jim Jagielski ([MAILTO] [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> Sponsoring Entity
>>     *
>>       Incubator

Thank you!


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