Ross Gardler <> wrote on 06/01/2011 06:03:09 PM:

> >>
> >> There are only two initial committers identified in the proposal. Why
> >> only two for such a large codebase?
> >>
> >
> > We could have put a much longer list of IBM names on this list, 
> > familiar with the code base via their work on Lotus Symphony (which is 
> > OpenOffice based project).  But then we could have been criticized for 
> > proposal being too dominated by IBM.  It is clearly our intent to grow
> > this project, both from our corporate developers, but also by 
> > new members to the project, including developers from related open 
> > projects (see my previous note)
> So my "optimist interpretation" earlier in the thread was accurate. I 
> think this is a sensible move. Normally we don't care about projects 
> heavily influenced by a single company as long as the community is 
> balanced. The incubator is here to bring that balance. However, I 
> understand that in this case there are other considerations.
> It might be worth making this decision explicit in the proposal though. 
> Personally I see it as a strength of the proposal. I suggest something 
> "In order to help facilitate the creation of a broad and varied project 
> built upon merit as required of an Apache project we have not loaded the 

> initial committer list with contributors from a single company. Our 
> intention is for the initial committer list to be representative of the 
> various users of OOo code."
> I realise that this might slow down entry into the incubator, but I feel 

> that (if its an accurate representation of your intention) it will serve 

> as an olive branch to "members of related open source projects".

Hi Ross,  I'm trying to find the right balance here threading the needle 
between PMC desires to have many names as well as diversity on the list of 
initial committers.  But it makes sense to include a statement along your 
suggestion, which I have now added.

-->  One thing that struck me today is that it is almost arcane mystical 
knowledge, for anyone outside of Apache, how exactly to affix their name 
in support of this proposal as a proposed initial committer, or even that 
this was encouraged at this stage.  If I had not been on that draft 
proposal from the start, I would not have known, and I've read all the 
Incubation policy and guideline documentation on the web site, or at least 
I think I did.


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