Thanks for the input Drew.  FWIW the Infrastructure Team abides
by the same rules as any other project at Apache- volunteers are
always welcome, and the more you do (well) the more "karma" you
will gain within Infrastructure.

It would be great if people who have root access to any of the existing
OOo machines (who don't work for Oracle, since we expect them to bow
out eventually) to start following and expect
to be called on to help support the migration and eventual upkeep of
everything currently residing on OOo.  Even if you don't have root@
but think you're up to the task, we'll try to give you "just enough rope"
not to hang yourself as you get started.

----- Original Message ----
> From: drew <>
> To:
> Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 2:24:20 PM
> Subject: Re: OpenOffice: were are we now?
> On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 10:01 -0700, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> > ----- Original  Message ----
> > 
> <snip>
> > 
> > Personally I have no  idea how my daily workload will be affected by dealing
> > with OOo's infra  requirements.  If it just means dishing out dedicated 
> > and  setting up end-user services, that shouldn't present any issues.   OTOH
> > staffing a forum with support service isn't something I'm equipped  to deal 
> > Either way, I don't intend to block incubation over it-  collectively infra
> > will learn to "cope" with the change.
> Hello  Joe,
> Since this is my (almost) first email to this list:
> Drew  Jensen
> - Started involvement with OO.o back around 2005. 
> - Primary focus  was end user support/QA on the Base module.
> - I am a member of the Document  Foundation, primarily focused on
> marketing efforts in North America there,  for the moment.
> Alright - OO.o end user forum.
> Currently the forum  is hosted on a single blade in the Oracle offices,
> Hamburg DE. It runs on VM  on that machine (I can get details but it is
> not particularly taxing from a  systems resources POV). It's a pretty
> straight forward phpBB set of sites  w/some light custom mod work.
> The daily functioning/management of the  forums is handled by an
> autonomous group, The Volunteers, at the forums. This  goes all the way
> from site admin (I was one of the initial group, currently  that is Terry
> Ellison [Individual] and Clayton Cornell [Oracle]) with root  access (to
> the VPS), right down to the individual board moderators. All  decisions
> are made by this group either via lazy consensus or when needed, a  vote.
> The Volunteer group is also represented I see on the wiki page by  Dave
> McKay, one of the global moderators. Terry will be the right POC for  any
> move but at the moment he is on an extended vacation with  his wife  on
> some Greek Island, the nerve. *smile* 
> Different subjects 
> -  the wiki. MediaWiki, lots of work invested in that beast and this is a
> larger  resource hog. Clayton Cornell at Oracle is the POC here, if I can
> help with  this work also I certainly will and I'll touch base directly
> with Clayton on  that.
> - Extension/template repository - Currently hosted at Oregon State  Open
> Source Labs. Drupal based, and it is having some real problems  right
> now. IMO, this needs some direct and _immediate_ love. I can't pull  the
> contact name for the Oracle admin on that site from my noggin at  the
> moment. (Matt ?) BTW, TDF is nearing roll out of it's extension site,  so
> this may ease some of the problems users are having with  getting
> dictionaries and such at the moment.
> Anyway - more detail then  is needed for this list I suppose. 
> @Joe feel free to ping me direct if I  can help with running down
> details/information on anything.
> Thanks  much,
> Drew  Jensen
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