Dear TDFers,

I was on a long flight and came back to an immense number of mails
here and elsewhere on this topic, so please bear with me if this has
been brought up before, by someone else.

I vaguely recall the fork of OOo into LibreOffice, and if memory
serves me right it was due to escape Oracle's governance/influence, or
something to that extent.

Was it already at that time known that Oracle was going with a liberal
license, and the fork was then a choice based in the ideological
differences in licensing?

If it was not, how would the people who forked then have reacted if
Oracle did then (pre-fork) what they are doing now?

Finally, do you (TDF) thinks it is better that Oracle gives the
codebase, trademarks and other IP-rights to IBM than to Apache? The
way I read the situation, that is the alternative available most
likely to happen in that case, possibly as a fully internal project.
Giving OOo to TDF is something Oracle simply can't do, there is likely
a promise to IBM...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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