
In the interest of completeness, please point out that folks from IBM
did join and work on Axis2 which was a complete rewrite from scratch,
got that integrated into other Apache projects like Geronimo.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:
> On 06/03/2011 03:58 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:24 PM,<>  wrote:
>>>> Corporate assignments are notorious at the ASF for disappearing
>>>> communities.  Sometimes, there is momentum to keep going, often
>>>> times there is not.  Communities are based on individuals.
>>> And individuals are often employed by corporations, and are their jobs
>>> sometimes entail contributing to open source communities.  I think we all
>>> understand how this works.
>>> But do you have any hard numbers, for example, showing a higher
>>> abandonment rate for projects with more corporate assignments?  That
>>> would
>>> be an interesting correlation to show.  Of course, we must also consider
>>> the projects that never came into existence at all, for lack of corporate
>>> sponsorship.  That number is harder to estimate.
>> I can confirm that is is a common enough phenomenon to warrant
>> highlighting in the standard template:
>>> And just because corporate withdrawals are "notorious" does not mean they
>>> are common, or that they are the greatest risk we should consider.  The
>>> Boston Strangler and Jack the Ripper were also notorious, but you have a
>>> great risk of death falling down stairs.
> The issue with corporate reassignments is that everyone just "vanishes".
> They get reassigned, and go away. In OSS, individuals tend to drift off, go
> onto what else interests them, or whatever. The turnover/year may be the
> same, but the way the turnover happens is different.
> to make things worse, because the paid FTEs tend to work full time on the
> projects, they understand the code well, gain committers status through
> their contributions, and so when they go, a big chunk of the active
> knowledge goes along with their departure
> Examples
>  Axis 1.x: IBM staffers all vanish.
>  Harmony: IBM FTEs all vanish.
> I don't think we need any more, given that these show that IBM has a track
> record of doing this. Maybe not your bit of the company, but we outsiders
> can't tell that
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