On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 02:52:29PM -0500, Karl Wright wrote:
> Sounds intriguing.  How is this done?  I'm afraid I'm vague as to the
> process by which people become IPMC members.

It's the same as with any other PMC at Apache: an existing PMC member proposes
a candidate and runs a vote on the private list.

As for what tends to get you on the IPMC (other than the standard track of
being an ASF Member who wants to Mentor), it's typically taking an interest in
the Incubator as an entity on its own, rather than focusing on your own narrow
interest (e.g. a podling).  Help with the Incubator website, answer questions
on general@, review other podling releases (even if you can't cast a binding
vote), and so on.  Familiarize yourself with ASF processes and institutions
and then demonstrate your expertise by sharing it with others.

Perhaps the IPMC should be more aggressive about recruiting from PPMCs, by
making it explicit that PPMC members who both know their stuff and give back
to the Incubator are likely to get nominated for IMPC membership.  That would
certainly help ease some of the long-standing problems associated with Mentor

Marvin Humphrey

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