Taking a larger interest beyond a podling is
nice but not required for IPMC membership.  We
certainly don't expect members to do anything
like that, so why should we expect it of non-

> From: Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com>
>To: general@incubator.apache.org 
>Cc: Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:29 PM
>Subject: PPMC to IPMC
>On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 02:52:29PM -0500, Karl Wright wrote:
>> Sounds intriguing.  How is this done?  I'm afraid I'm vague as to the
>> process by which people become IPMC members.
>It's the same as with any other PMC at Apache: an existing PMC member proposes
>a candidate and runs a vote on the private list.
>As for what tends to get you on the IPMC (other than the standard track of
>being an ASF Member who wants to Mentor), it's typically taking an interest in
>the Incubator as an entity on its own, rather than focusing on your own narrow
>interest (e.g. a podling).  Help with the Incubator website, answer questions
>on general@, review other podling releases (even if you can't cast a binding
>vote), and so on.  Familiarize yourself with ASF processes and institutions
>and then demonstrate your expertise by sharing it with others.
>Perhaps the IPMC should be more aggressive about recruiting from PPMCs, by
>making it explicit that PPMC members who both know their stuff and give back
>to the Incubator are likely to get nominated for IMPC membership.  That would
>certainly help ease some of the long-standing problems associated with Mentor
>Marvin Humphrey

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