Salut Olivier!

> AFAIK not possible (git is poor for supporting such sparse checkout mode).
> So we (infra folks) will have to maintain one git repo per component
> and create a new git repo for each new component (IMHO a pain ..).
> In some case git is probably nice but not here !

indeed, for what I can see, not all apache-commons components are
supported in git - adding an extra step, every time a new component
has to be created, would be not a benefit for the project.

> We have very similar situation in maven projects (with some components
> which have their own lifecycle) and we decided to not move those parts
> to git.

nice to see that another ASF community chan share a past similar experience!

> But hey what is most important build a community around cool
> code/projects or being able to use the last "à la mode" scm tool ?

as I wrote in a previous message, I personally just need a SCM that
allows me continue developing software in a comfortable way :)
Mohammad, Eric, maybe SVN fits better for Mayhem?

Thanks for the feedbacks!

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