FWIW, my concerns about an Ombudsman are:

1) I had no idea what an Ombudsman was.  I'd heard of it, but never had to
work with one before.  I had to go look it up.  If I had a complaint, I'm
not sure I would know to look up that word to find the email address to
complain to.
2) If you create a role like this, what happens when the folks who take it
on run out of time and energy (see my comments about time in my 'exit
interview' draft) and we can't find anybody else who wants to take that on
for all of Apache?

Roles like 'ombudsman' imply at least some sort of authority or the
ability to get the authorities to act, but with all-volunteers, the person
who is being complained about probably just ran out of time and there is
no way to enforce that.

We think of Apache as a community, and I'd prefer a community without a
police station where the neighbors just have to work things out among
themselves. An ombudsman implies a sort of anonymous tip line and some
sort of resolution by enforcement.

I'd rather go with what Jim referenced, that those of you who have the
time and energy take on the role of community welcomers (you don't have to
be an 'elder' which implies 'old'), visit a new podling and say "Hey, I
live five houses down (meaning, I'm not on following your podling on
email), lived in this neighborhood for many years, and you have great
neighbors (meaning mentors), but if you ever need anything, come knock on
my door day or night."  Then no individual is committed to have to visit
'every' podling.  There isn't some email address that you don't know who
will answer.

My 2 cents,

On 6/20/13 5:01 AM, "Bertrand Delacretaz" <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

>On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Alan Cabrera <l...@toolazydogs.com>
>> ...I think that it would be a great idea to have an ASF wide ombudsman
>We don't have that, and I don't think we need it - people should feel
>free to contact people that they trust (officers, board members, ASF
>members) privately if there's a need, and not having someone elected
>in the ombudsman role means people are free to talk to whoever they
>think will help.
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