Thank you Sharad. So I could use this system for remote sensing
data, like 3-dimension (time, space, and measurement) type of cubes?
Does it support numerical data well?

Sorry for so many questions just excited :)

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Sharad Agarwal <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, September 19, 2014 4:06 AM
To: Chris Mattmann <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Grill as new Incubator project

>Chris, Thanks for your comments.
>The differences that I see are:
>- SciDB exposes Array Data model and Array Query Language (AQL). Grill
>data model is based on OLAP Fact and Dimensions. Grill exposes SQL like
>language (a subset of Hive QL) that works on *logical* entities (facts,
>- The goal of Grill is not to build a new query execution database, but
>to unify them by having a central metadata catalog, and provide a Cube
>abstraction layer on top of it.
>On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
><> wrote:
>This sounds super cool!
>How does this relate to SciDB? is it trying to do a similar thing?
>Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
>Chief Architect
>Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
>NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
>Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
>Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
>University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sharad Agarwal <>
>Reply-To: "" <>,
>"" <>
>Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:54 PM
>To: "" <>
>Subject: [PROPOSAL] Grill as new Incubator project
>>Grill Proposal
>># Abstract
>>Grill is a platform that enables multi-dimensional queries in a unified
>>over datasets stored in multiple warehouses. Grill integrates Apache Hive
>>with other data warehouses by tiering them together to form logical data
>># Proposal
>>Grill provides a unified Cube abstraction for data stored in different
>>stores. Grill tiers multiple data warehouses for unified representation
>>efficient access. It provides SQL-like Cube query language to query and
>>describe data sets organized in data cubes. It enables users to run
>>against Facts and Dimensions that can span multiple physical tables
>>in different stores.
>>The primary use cases that Grill aims to solve:
>>- Facilitate analytical queries by providing the OLAP like Cube
>>- Data Discovery by providing single metadata layer for data stored in
>>different stores
>>- Unified access to data by integrating Hive with other traditional data
>># Background
>>Apache Hive is a data warehouse that facilitates querying and managing
>>large datasets stored in distributed storage systems like HDFS. It
>>SQL like language called HiveQL aka HQL.  Apache Hive is a widely used
>>platform in various organizations for doing adhoc analytical queries.
>>In a typical Data warehouse scenario, the data is multi-dimensional and
>>organized into Facts and Dimensions to form Data Cubes. Grill provides
>>logical layer to enable querying and manage data as Cubes.
>>The Grill project is actively being developed at InMobi to provide the
>>higher level of analytical abstraction to query data stored in different
>>storages including Hive and beyond seamlessly.
>># Rationale
>>The Grill project aims to ease the analytical querying capabilities and
>>the data-silos by providing a single view of data across multiple data
>>Conceiving data as a cube with hierarchical dimensions leads to
>>conceptually straightforward operations to facilitate analysis.
>>Apache Hive with other traditional warehouses provides the opportunity to
>>optimize on the query execution cost by tiering the data across multiple
>>warehouses. Grill provides
>>- Access to data Cubes via Cube Query language similar to HiveQL.
>>- Driver based architecture to allow for plugging systems like Hive and
>>other warehouses such as columnar data RDBMS.
>>- Cost based engine selection that provides optimal use of resources by
>>selecting the best execution engine for a given query.
>>In a typical Data warehouse, data is organized in Cubes with multiple
>>dimensions and measures. This facilitates the analysis by conceiving the
>>data in terms of Facts and Dimensions instead of physical tables. Grill
>>aims to provide this logical Cube abstraction on Data warehouses like
>>and other traditional warehouses.
>># Initial Goals
>>- Donate the Grill source code and documentation to Apache Software
>>- Build a user and developer community
>>- Support Hive and other Columnar data warehouses
>>- Support full query life cycle management
>>- Add authentication for querying cubes
>>- Provide detailed query statistics
>># Long Term Goals
>>Here are some longer-term capabilities that would be added to Grill
>>- Add authorization for managing and querying Cubes
>>- Provide REST and CLI for full Admin controls
>>- Capability to schedule queries
>>- Query caching
>>- Integrate with Apache Spark. Creating Spark RDD from Grill query
>>- Integrate with Apache Optiq
>># Current Status
>>The project is actively developed at InMobi. The first version is
>>at InMobi 4 months back. This version allows querying dimension and fact
>>data stored in Hive over CLI. The source code and documentation is hosted
>>at GitHub.
>>## Meritocracy
>>We intend to build a diverse developer and user community for the project
>>following the Apache meritocracy model. We want to encourage contributors
>>from multiple organizations, provide plenty of support to new developers
>>and welcome them to be committers.
>>## Community
>>Currently the project is being developed at InMobi. We hope to extend our
>>contributor and user base significantly in the future and build a solid
>>open source community around Grill.
>>Core Developers
>>Grill is currently being developed by Amareshwari Sriramadasu, Sharad
>>Agarwal and Jaideep Dhok from InMobi, and Sreekanth Ramakrishnan who is
>>currently employed by SoftwareAG. Raghavendra Singh from InMobi has built
>>the QA automation for Grill.
>>## Alignment
>>The ASF is a natural home to Grill as it is for Apache Hadoop, Apache
>>Apache Spark and other emerging projects in Big Data space.
>>We believe in any enterprise, multiple data warehouses will co-exist, as
>>not all workloads are cost effective to run on single one. Apache Hive is
>>one of the crucial data warehouse along with upcoming projects like
>>Spark in Hadoop ecosystem. Grill will benefit in working in close
>>with these projects.
>>The traditional Columnar data warehouses complement Apache Hive as
>>workloads continue to be cost effective to run in traditional columnar
>>warehouses. Having multiple data warehouses leads to data silos that
>>aims to cut within the enterprise and provide a holistic unified access
>># Known Risks
>>## Orphaned products & Reliance on Salaried Developers
>>There is little risk of Grill getting orphaned, as Grill is key part of
>>Data Platform stack at InMobi. The core Grill developers plan to work on
>>full-time. We think Grill will bring value in the Big Data space and we
>>plan to grow the community of users and contributors.
>>## Inexperience with Open Source
>>All the core developers have long and significant experience in Apache
>>projects and Hadoop ecosystem. Amareshwari Sriramadasu has long standing
>>contributions to Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Hive, she being PMC
>>member of Hadoop and a committer of Hive. Sharad Agarwal is a PMC member
>>Hadoop and contributed to Hadoop YARN and Hadoop MapReduce. Srikanth
>>Sundarrajan is a PMC member of Apache Falcon.  Sreekanth Ramakrishnan is
>>committer of Apache Hadoop.  Jaideep Dhok has contributed patches to
>>Hive. Gunther is a PMC member of Apache Hive. Vikram is a committer of
>>Apache Hive.
>>## Homogeneous Developers
>>The initial developers are employed by Hortonworks, InMobi and
>>We are committed to recruiting additional committers from other companies
>>based on their contribution to the project.
>>## Reliance on Salaried Developers
>>The majority of initial committers are paid by their employee to
>>to the project and few are contributing in their spare time. Once the
>>project has a community built, we are committed to recruit committers and
>>developers from outside the current core developers.
>>## Relationships with Other Apache Products
>>Grill is deeply integrated with other Apache projects. Grill uses and
>>extends Apache Hive HCatalog to store and manage the Data cubes. It uses
>>HDFS and Hive session management libraries. Grill has the driver-based
>>architecture that allows for adding multiple execution drivers. Apart
>>integrating Apache Hive, it can be integrated with Apache Spark over
>>SQL or Shark, Apache Drill, Apache Tajo and Apache Phoenix.
>>In future we want to use Apache Optiq in Grill for query optimization and
>>cost based driver selection.
>>## An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
>>The project is conceived from beginning to be in line with the Apache
>>philosophy. As the core developers have good experience with Apache, the
>>source code organization, build, review and commit process are highly
>>influenced by Apache. We believe that Apache will be a solid home for
>>to grow and build the open source community. We have also described the
>>reasons in the Rationale and Alignment sections.
>># Documentation
>># Initial Source
>>The source is currently in github repository at:
>># Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
>>The complete Grill code is already under Apache Software License 2.
>># External Dependencies
>>The dependencies all have Apache compatible licenses. These include
>>2.0, BSD, MIT, EPL and CDDL licensed dependencies.
>># Cryptography
>># Required Resources
>>## Mailing lists
>>grill-dev AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
>>grill-commits AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
>>grill-private AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
>>## Subversion Directory
>>Git is the preferred source control system: git://
>> <>
>>## Issue Tracking
>>JIRA Grill (GRILL)
>># Initial Committers
>>Amareshwari Sriramadasu (amareshwari AT apache DOT org)
>>Gunther Hagleitner (gunther AT apache DOT org)
>>Jaideep Dhok (jaideep.dhok AT Inmobi DOT com)
>>Raghavendra Singh (raghavendra.singh AT Inmobi DOT com)
>>Sharad Agarwal (sharad AT apache DOT org)
>>Sreekanth Ramakrishnan (sreekanth AT apache DOT org)
>>Srikanth Sundarrajan (sriksun AT apache DOT org)
>>Suma Shivaprasad (suma.shivaprasad AT Inmobi DOT com)
>>Vikram Dixit (vikram AT apache DOT org)
>># Affiliations
>>Amareshwari SR (InMobi)
>>Gunther Hagleitner (Hortonworks)
>>Jaideep Dhok (InMobi)
>>Raghavendra Singh (InMobi)
>>Sharad Agarwal (InMobi)
>>Sreekanth Ramakrishnan (SoftwareAG)
>>Srikanth Sundarrajan (InMobi)
>>Suma Shivaprasad (InMobi)
>>Vikram Dixit (Hortonworks)
>># Sponsors
>>## Champion
>>Vinod K <vinodkv AT apache DOT org> (Apache Member)
>>## Nominated Mentors
>>Chris Douglas (Microsoft)
>>Jacob Homan (Microsoft)
>>Jean Baptiste Onofre (Talend)
>>Vinod K (Hortonworks)
>>## Sponsoring Entity
>>Incubator PMC

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