
See comments below to

2.1  --> I suggest to change the word "probationary" to "provisional". I
also suggest that a text is added such as; 'It is required that the
"provisional" concept is explained in detail to the users, for instance by
linking to page http://xxxx' where xxxx is another page on ComDev
explaining pTLP from the user's perspective.

After the two bullet points, the following text "At the same time those
folks are beholden to the project not an external entity (like IPMC). By
creating a PMC that understands what is needed, then a pTLP can groom new
PMC members, and use the standard process for adding them to the PMC. The
Board doesn't care about committership, so the pTLP can do whatever it
wants in that regard." sounds to me a bit harsh, and I would like to
suggest the following instead;
"The initial PMC should therefor, at least in theory, have a stronger base
for grooming new committers and PMC members, than the regular podling

I think that 3.7. to 3.9. are really not necessary. I would like to suggest
to change that to;

    7. "The first business for the initial PMC is to complete the pTLP
checklist of tasks, primarily in coordinating with infrastructure, end
ensure compliance with branding and legal policies. See http://xxxxx/";
    8.  "The pTLP day-to-day operation is identical to a regular TLP. It is
recommended that the PMC members are extra careful, to avoid confrontation
and seek consensus to the greatest extent possible, and to explicitly
explain all activities in greater detail to community members, as part of
the learning process."

Below is the beginning of tasks that should be listed, and I think a
separate page for this, order not totally thought through. These tasks
could exist as a set of one Jira tasks with a subtask for each, which can
be cloned for each new project.

Setting up a Provisional Top Level Project

* Complete Name Search in accordance with Branding policy at
* Check PMC Chair is recorded in LDAP.
* Request Jira from INFRA
* Request Mailing lists from INFRA
* Add project to Reporting Schedule
* Request source control (svn or git) from INFRA
* Submission of ICLAs from existing committers.
* Submission of CCLAs from affected companies
* IP Clearance as described on
* Filing of Software Grant, if applicable.
* Change to Apache License v2.0, if applicable.
* Update Apache Navigation to include project
* Request User Accounts from INFRA
* Request CMS from INFRA
* Migrate existing documentation to Apache.
* Ensure "Provisional" markings are adhered to, and link to http://....
* Enable Notifications from Jira to Mailing list
* Migrate existing codebase to Apache
* Ensure dependency licensing compatibility, see
* Review legal compliance on all dependencies, in particular NOTICE file.
* Ensure compliance with Branding policy
* Establish self-assessed Apache Maturity Model declaration.

There might more that I can't think of this morning.
Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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