On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 12:05 AM, jonathon <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31/03/15 03:08, David Nalley wrote:
>>> the master ASFxxx account be associated with. I see
>>> two alternatives here:
>>>     * ASF Infra team collectively owns it
>>>     * Whoever controls @TheASF owns it
>> Neither IMO.
>> Infra doesn't want it ...
>> And burdening Sally, Jim, Joe, etc with scores of projects credentials
> isn't going to scale well.
> My impression was that Roman was implicitly suggesting that there be
> _one_ account/person somewhere with the Apache Software Foundation
> structure, that would have ultimate command and control of _all_
> Twitter, and other social media accounts. This individual would _not_ be
> responsible for day-to-day activities, but rather, serve as:
> * an all points backup;
> * Single point of contact to find out who to contact regarding a
> specific Social Media account associated with either the Apache Software
> Foundation, or an Apache project.

This is absolutely correct. And while I find David's suggestion an
appealing alternative to what I was trying to suggest, I can see
pros/cons of both.

We do manage certain bits of INFRA in a very centralized way at
ASF. The real question is whether @ASFxxx is considered critical
enough to warrant that type of commitment.

> My thinking is an email account along the lines of
> "social_media_direc...@apache.org", which either automatically forwards
> incoming email to the appropriate party, or lets email sit in a queue
> until a human looks at it. (Procmail recipes could forward/respond
> appropriately to at least 70% of the inbound emails, before doing any
> tweaking.)
> Where needed, a similar account on the specific social media platform
> could also be created. (For example, on Twitter, it would be
> ASF_Social_Media_Director.)
> I don't know where in the ASF hierarchy this position should be, though.
> Something along the lines of pr...@apache.org, but with the requirement
> of Marketing, Public Relations, and VP to approve everything that goes
> out/gets forwarded.

Yup. That's exactly my way of thinking.

Would love to hear folks chime in on both.


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