On Wed, Nov 4, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
> So you are -1 then. That's fine. But it gets back to my original concern.
> It's artificial. I can go back to the Sentry community and say "hey, you
> need some PPMC members, vote some in" and they might do it. It was
> already
> mentioned earlier in this thread that one of the mentors feels that a
> couple of committers are ready. If they come back in a week and say "hey,
> we just voted in 3 new ppmc members, now we're ready right?" you'll be
> fine
> with that? This is why I highlighted it as artificial.

FWIW I agree with you that it's "artificial" and for a podling that's
motivated to graduate (which Sentry appears to be) it's not hard to
paper that over and just say "OK, if we want to graduate, let's tick
this checkbox."

Not having new PPMC folks is a symptom of what concerns me about Sentry.
I didn't see a focus on adding committers until prodded. I don't see a
focus on growing committers to become PMC members minus mentor prodding.
If a project cares about sustainability and growth, shouldn't it be
having these discussions? Their absence concerns me greatly. 


Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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