For me, the key, nay brilliant, terms in the Maturity Model are about 

The question is always, is there demonstrable striving toward the elements 
identified in the maturity model.

If that's not apparent, then one has to wonder, whatever the level of 
achievement, whether that's what one expects to see in an Apache Project, 
whatever its tenure.  It's about the journey the Project (or Podling) is on, 
not a fixed destination.

 - Dennis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Roman Shaposhnik
> Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 09:50
> To:
> Subject: Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and
> graduation
[ ... ]

> Think of it as when you are asking somebody to review your code. If you
> don't make it easy for reviewers -- don't expect them to bend over
> backwards
> to make sense out of what you submitted. Doesn't mean you'll get a -1,
> but
> don't expect a quick +1 either. Same deal with a maturity model: when
> the time
> comes for a graduation vote, if you make it easy(er) for "reviewers"
> to start forming
> an opinion on whether the community is ready or not -- you will spend
> less time arguing.
> Personally I find maturity model template to be just that kind of a tool
> for me.
> On the flip side -- not filling it out is not a blocker. It just
> means, for example,
> that *I* personally will have very little incentive to dig into the guts
> of a
> community I don't know well to really find out all the same details that
> mentors
> or community members could have communicated to me filling out the
> maturity model template.
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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