On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 8:06 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@apache.org> wrote:

> Except that there seems to be great disagreement among the Members as to
> whether RTC is somehow anti-Apache-Way.

That seems rather melodramatic. Speaking for myself, I've said that I find
RTC a terrible basis for forming a healthy community. I never mentioned the
Apache Way.

> If you want to try to create an ASF-wide resolution that RTC doesn't follow
> the Apache Way, and get the board/membership to vote on it, go ahead, but
> it confuses podlings who are new to the ASF when people espouse personal
> opinions as if they are ASF rules.

And again with the drama: nobody has suggested imposing any particular
approach on Apache communities.

I responded in this thread (and others) to get my views "out there", so
that podlings and other Apache communities can review my reasoning, and
whether those thoughts could be applied within their community.


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