On 8/9/16, 3:10 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> AIUI, if it is 3rd party and otherwise unmodified, modification of the
>> headers is not an option.
>Even when the files are missing header or missing the license that they
>were originally under?

IANAL, but in my mind, yes.  The header is just a convenience.  It isn't a
legal requirement.  Not having a header doesn't change the licensing of
the lines in the file.  Having 3rd party files in our repos or a release
package is just a convenience to avoid having to download them separately,
so I wouldn't make them different from the the "original".  As long as the
LICENSE file mentions that there are files not under ASF control that
should be sufficient for a release.  I wouldn't hold up a release for
missing headers on 3rd party files.


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