Hi, wusheng & skywalking team,

Glad to hear that your project is already using echarts.
If meet any problem or have any feature request, please let us know.

I will update the proposal to add your project there.

在 2018/1/7 下午6:18, "吴晟 Sheng Wu" <wu.sh...@foxmail.com> 写入:

>Hi, ECharts community team.
>Glad your guys bringing the project to Apache. SkyWalking 's next release
>will use some ECharts charts for our APM visualization. (already in
>developing branch)
>So if you like, you can put `Apache SkyWalking (Incubating)` in your
>"Relationships with Other Apache Products" section.
>This is a good and useful project. Welcome and gook luck.
>Sheng Wu
>Apache SkyWalking creator and PPMC member
>------------------ Original ------------------
>From:  "Tan,Zhongyi";<tanzhon...@baidu.com>;
>Date:  Fri, Jan 5, 2018 06:00 PM
>To:  "general@incubator.apache.org"<general@incubator.apache.org>;
>Subject:  [PROPOSAL] ECharts - proposal for Apache Incubation
>Hi,  Dear Apache Incubator Community,
>Please accept the follow proposal for presentation and discussion:
>ECharts is a charting and data visualization library written in
>JavaScript . 
>It has been an open source project on github since 2013, and is one of
>most popular repositories in topic of data visualization category in
>Best regards.
>Below is the proposal also.
>= ECharts Proposal =
>=== Abstract ===
>ECharts is a charting and data visualization library written in
>=== Proposal ===
>ECharts provides a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization
>and framework for web browser, mobile App and backend usage.
>=== Background ===
>A primary goal of data visualization is to communicate information
>clearly and 
>efficiently via statistical graphics, plots and other graphics.
>Numerical data may be presented in dots, lines, or bars, to visually
>a quantitative message. Effective visualization helps users to analyze
>data .
>It makes complex data more readable, understandable.[1]
>Now data visualization concerns mainly about presentation and propagation
>in web, 
>ECharts uses JavaScript as its basic programing language. It brings great
>compatibility across multiple platforms, not only in web browsers, but
>in mobile Apps via embedded web engine or in backend environment via the
>of headless browser.
>=== Rationale ===
>ECharts encapsulates the underlying data transformation, control flow,
>encoding and rendering, receiving the visualization requirements with
>declarative language,
>and produces interactive charts and components. We will highlight the
>features below to 
>illustrate the power that ECharts already has, and our concerns and our
>  * User Diversity:
>ECharts expects that its users are not only web developers, but also
>people with lesser programing skills. So ECharts enables users to
>describe data and settings with declarative language, which lowers
>the barrier but without losing the power, and benefit to transfer
>and store.
>  * Configurable Interactions:
>ECharts has provided plenty of interactions and aims at providing more.
>Both human interactions and the interactions with upper program are
>supported and can be configurable.
>  * Large Data:
>Although the browser environment and JavaScript bring some performance
>limits in visualizing large data or performing animations, ECharts have
>been adopting various optimization techniques to rise the upper limit
>of the amount of data that it can process, and keep improving the
>fluency of interactions and animations.
>  * Cross-Platform:
>The underlying render engine of ECharts can be switched between
>HTMLCanvas, SVG, or VML, which provides good compatibility and brings
>opportunities to optimize performance according to different platform
>and usage scenarios. Besides, ECharts can also works in backend
>environment via headless techniques.
>ECharts can be created using headless browsers to pregenerate reports on
>more powerful machines for better performance on resource-limited devices
>  *Extension and Customization:
>ECharts provides extension mechanisms to make new types of chart and
>adopt other layout algorithms, or even adopt other render techniques.
>Various developers have contributed different types of extensions based
>on ECharts.[2]
>=== Current Status ===
>ECharts has been an open source project on GitHub[3] since 2013.
>Currently it has more than 20k stars, more than 50k monthly downloads[4]
>in NPM, and is one of the most popular repositories in topic of data
>visualization category in GitHub.[5] And it has been used in many
>products of Baidu and other companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Netease,
>XinHua News Agency,National Bureau of Statistics of China, Sina,
>State Grid Corporation of China, Lenovo, Ctrip etc.
>=== Meritocracy ===
>The ECharts project already operates on meritocratic principles.
>It was originally created by Lin Zhifeng in 2013,adding developers
>worldwide and has accepted multiple major patches from a diverse set
>of contributors.
>We will follow ASF meritocratic principles to encourage more
>developers to contribute in this project. We know that only active and
>committed developers from a diverse set of backgrounds can make ECharts
>a successful project. We are also improving the project documentation
>and code to help new developers to get started quickly.
>=== Community ===
>ECharts has been building an active community for the last four years.
>Currently, the community includes over 50 contributors .
>The core developers of our project are listed below.
>=== Core Developers ===
>   * Su Shuang (https://github.com/100pah sushuang0...@gmail.com )
>   * Shen Yi (https://github.com/pissang shenyi....@gmail.com )
>   * Zhang Wenli (https://github.com/Ovilia m...@zhangwenli.com )
>   * Li Deqing (https://github.com/deqingli annong...@gmail.com)
>   * Dong Rui (https://github.com/erik168 error...@gmail.com)
>=== Alignment ===
>ECharts is popular in data visualization and charting on web projects.
>And ASF has many famous web projects and big data related projects.
>We believe that ASF is a perfect choice to help ECharts project to
>attract more developers and have more cooperation with existing projects.
>=== Known Risks ===
>==== Orphaned products ====
>Given the current level of investment in ECharts and the stakeholders
>using it - the risk of the project being abandoned is minimal.
>Baidu, for example, is in active development to use ECharts in many of
>its services and many large corporations including Alibaba, Tencent,
>Huawei, Sina, Lenovo use it in their production applications.
>==== Inexperience with Open Source ====
>ECharts has been an active open source project for more than 4 years.
>During that time, the project has attracted 50+ contributors.
>==== Homogenous Developers ====
>The most of core developers are from Baidu, but after ECharts was open
>ECharts received a lot of bug fixes and enhancements from other
>developers not working at Baidu.
>And the founder of ECharts,Lin Zhifeng still contributes a lot after he
>left Baidu.
>=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>Although some of the developers are salaried, the project is personally
>initiated from 
>the beginning. The core developers have been dedicated to this project
>for four years 
>and have kept the project independent with developers around the world
>=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
>We have not found an existing charting project in Apache yet. And there
>is potential 
>cooperation with some existing Apache projects big data related.
>=== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
>Our interests and motivations are based on the factors mentioned in the
>section rather than the publicity. Furthermore, the brand of ECharts has
>been successful 
>in the past years on their own and we would be happy to keep on this
>path. We are honored
> at getting the opportunity to join the ASF, with the understanding to
>ensure its brand 
>policies are respected.Also we expect that Apache brand will help to
>attract more contributors.
>=== Documentation ===
>[1] Data Visualization:
>[2] ECharts Extensions:
>[3] ECharts Information:
>[4] ECharts in NPM:
>[5] GitHub Data Visualization Topic:
>=== Initial Source ===
>ECharts has been developed since 2013. It currently has an active
>developer and user community
>with a codebase in JavaScript.We currently use Github to maintain our
>source code and 
>track issues at https://github.com/ecomfe/ECharts.
>We need to move our respository to Apache infrastructure.
>=== Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
>ECharts  source code is available under BSD-3 license and owned by Baidu.
>We will work with the committers to get ICLAs signed.
>We will provide a Software Grant Agreement from an authorized signer
>per https://www.apache.org/licenses/software-grant-template.pdf
>=== External Dependencies ===
>All The dependencies are released under Apache compatible licenses,
>including BSD and MIT.
>=== Required Resources ===
>==== Mailing List: ====
>There are currently no mailing lists.
>The usual mailing lists are expected to be set up when entering
> * priv...@echarts.incubator.apache.org
> * d...@echarts.incubator.apache.org
> * comm...@echarts.incubator.apache.org
>==== Git Repositories: ====
>Upon entering incubation: https://github.com/apache/incubator-echarts
>After incubation, we want to move the existing repo from
>github/ecomfe/echarts to Apache infrastructure.
>==== Issue Tracking: ====
>ECharts currently uses GitHub to track issues. there are more than 7k
>Would like to continue to do so while we discuss migration possibilities
>with the ASF Infra committee.
>==== URL: ====
>Currently the website url is
> It will be moved to http://echarts.incubator.apache.org/ to follow
>incubator conventions.
>=== Initial Committers ===
> * Lin Zhifeng (https://github.com/kener kener.linf...@gmail.com)
> * Su Shuang (https://github.com/100pah sushuang0...@gmail.com)
> * Shen Yi (https://github.com/pissang shenyi....@gmail.com)
> * Zhang Wenli (https://github.com/Ovilia m...@zhangwenli.com)
> * Li Deqing (https://github.com/deqingli annong...@gmail.com)
> * Wang Junting 
> * Dong Rui (https://github.com/erik168 error...@gmail.com)
> * Huang Houjin (https://github.com/chriswong w...@foxmail.com)
>=== Sponsors: ===
>==== Champion: ====
>  * Kevin A. McGrail
>==== Mentors: ====
>  * Daniel Gruno 
>  * John D. Ament
>==== Sponsoring Entity ====
>We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
>For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org

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