On 2/9/19 9:38 AM, Makoto Yui wrote:

Could you please tell us <d...@hivemall.incubator.apache.org> what
issues exist in Hivemall?

I'd also be interested in knowing (you may use dev@ or private@ as you see fit) what issues exist with pony mail and release policies :)


2019年2月9日(土) 9:51 Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>:


So I just checked the next bunch of podlings to report to see if we have any 
other issues with ASF releases policy and sadly we do and again it larger than 
I expected. Some of these are minor issues and easily fixed, some are not. In a 
couple of cases I may not of looked deeply enough into the issue and it may 
actually be fine, if so apologies in advance for listing you here. In a couple 
of cases (e.g. Zipkin) I can see it’s been discussed on the list but there’s 
more to do.

Podlings having one or more issues with ASF release policy include:
- Crail
- Daffodil
- Dlab
- Druid
- Dubbo
- Hivemall
- Marvin-ai
- Memo
- Omid
- Openwhisk
- Pinot
- Ponymail
- Singa
- Skywalking
- Zipkin

Projects that I will be following up with include Dlab, Druid, Dubbo, 
Openwhisk, Singa, Skywalking and Zipkin.

If you are the mentors of these projects please take a look and see what you 
can do to improve the situation and educate your podling on proper release 
policy. If you can’t find the issue ping me and I’ll send an email with what I 
think it is to your private list. There is probably things I’ve missed as well, 
often were there’s one issue there’s others.

Please include something in the next podling report on this.

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