> If the mentors on the project list have voted +1, then the vote can be 
> continued in parallel? Shouldn't this help reduce both the time votes take 
> but not waste the limited IPMC bandwidth?

That's exactly what we tried and were given grief about. We waited
until 3 binding +1 votes, which is for practical purposes all of our
active mentors


I think the 100% perfect release standard is debated on other topics,
and seems to be a split where many say you have to fix things by
graduation, and others think you have to fix all things by next
release. The 100% goal is really counterproductive and causes a lot of
unnecessary stress, and frankly anger. This toxic situation of not
being able to succeed because rules aren't knowable, yet expected as
100% makes it hard to be friendly and nice.

> Instead of having to actually DO releases, at least Release Candidates should 
> be created ... this would prove the general ability to do a release, but not 
> actually DO it. Of course if these RCs contain bad things, they should not 
> pass.

I suspect in some cases there are repos that maybe never have a
release. In zipkin we felt like we had to do all work and it was a bad
taste to see all this high friction efforts then projects go for
graduation with dozens of repos.. probably some not even looked at.
Whatever it is, I think it should become fair at some point.

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