Hello all,

I am Eya, a software engineer working with the AgensGraph Extension team 
(Multimodel Database)

We propose to contribute AgensGraph Extension as an Apache Incubator project, 
we are still looking for possible Champion and Mentors. If anyone would like to 
volunteer, we would greatly appreciate it. 

Best Regards,

The draft of the proposal can be found on wiki: 

You may also find following the draft(work in progress) version of the proposal 
as well

*****This proposal is the first draft and is a work in progress*****

AgensGraph Extension will be a multi-model database that enables graph and 
relational models built on PostgreSQL.

We propose the AgensGraph Extension to the Apache foundation. AgensGraph 
Extension is to provide an extension for PostgreSQL to give the users the 
ability to leverage graph database on top of the existing relational database 
with minimal effort. The basic principle of the project is to create single 
storage that can handle both relational and graph model data so that the users 
can use the standard ANSI SQL along with openCypher 
(http://www.opencypher.org), the Graph query language. 

To provide some background, the AgensGraph extension project is being actively 
developed. This project is a new generation of a multi-model graph database for 
the modern complex data environment. A graph database can solve problems from 
very different angles, thanks to its different approach to data and its 
organization. By preparing data in graph models the users can apply graph 
algorithms that provide forte in handling complexity. Moreover, Graph data is a 
suitable form to apply machine learning. 

Prior to AgensGraph extension, there is an existing forked project which is 
publicly available on the following link: 

While working on the fork version of this project, we found out that there are 
increasing voices asking for an extension of AgensGraph. It was then when we 
decided to develop and work on the extension version to provide more benefits 
to PostgreSQL users such as easy installation and compatibility. 

AgensGraph Extension is a multi-model database designed to be simple and 
user-friendly, which supports the relational and graph data model at the same 
time that enables users to integrate the legacy relational data model and the 
flexible graph data model in one database. AgensGraph Extension supports 
ANSI-SQL and openCypher (http://www.opencypher.org). SQL queries and Cypher 
queries can be integrated into a single query in AgensGraph Extension. 

Currently, we have active users and contributors that forked and used this 
project to build other projects. Some examples could be found in the following 
links: https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Data.AgensGraph/

AgensGraph mainly offers a multimodel database, eliminating the migration 
efforts while having relational and graph models.  

There is a strong need for a cohesive, easy to migrate multimodel for a 
relational and graph database. AgensGraph Extension is an extension of 
PostgreSQL which supports all the functionalities and features of the 
PostgreSQL and offers a graph model in addition. Users with a relational 
background and data model who are in need of having a graph model on top of 
their existing relational model can use this extension with minimal effort 
because they can use existing data without migration to enable graph database.

Since AgensGraph Extension is based on the powerful PostgreSQL RDBMS, it is 
very robust, fully-featured and ready to use. AgensGraph Extension is optimized 
for handling complex connected graph data and provides plenty of powerful 
database features essential to the database environment including ACID 
transactions, multi-version concurrency control, stored procedure, triggers, 
constraints, sophisticated monitoring and a flexible data model (JSON). 
Moreover, AgensGraph Extension leverages the rich eco-systems of PostgreSQL and 
can be extended with many outstanding external modules, like PostGIS.

Initial Goals
A complete implementation of openCypher language specification in a PostgreSQL 

Implementation of openCypher parser 
Implementation of internal AgensGraph Data Types 
Implementation of expression logic 
Implementation of Cypher language Clauses (Return, Create, Delete, Update, 
Implementation of variable length expressions (VLE)
Implementation of graph-related functions (such as aggregation)

Current Status

Our current practices align with the meritocracy principles of Apache. 
AgensGraph Extension was originally created by Junseok Yang in June 2019. 
Committers have the freedom to work on a task independently and consult any 
other member of the team when necessary. Once committers have finished, a git 
patch is submitted to review and when the group approves the patch, it is 
committed to the master branch. 

AgensGraph has been building a community since 2017. Our hope is to transition 
to the community that we have there to the AgensGraph Extension. 

Core Developers:
Junseok Yang (jsy...@bitnine.net ), John Gemignani (john.gemign...@bitnine.net 
) , Josh Innis (josh.in...@bitnine.net )

AgensGraph Extension is compatible with many other projects such as MADlib 
since it's built on PostgreSQL.

Known Risks

Orphaned Products
The core developers of the AgensGraph Extension team plan to work full time on 
this project. There is no risk of orphaned or abandoned code. Furthermore, 
since the AgensGraph(fork) project was open-sourced at the beginning, it has 
received stars and been forked nearly 90 times. We plan to extend and diversify 
this community further through Apache.

Inexperience with Open Source:
The core developers are all active users and followers of open source. They are 
already committers and contributors to the AgensGraph Github project. All have 
been involved with the source code that has been released under an open-source 
license, and several of them also have experience developing code in an 
open-source environment. Though the core set of developers does not have Apache 
Open Source experience, there are plans to onboard individuals with Apache open 
source experience on to the project.

Homogenous Developers:
The current list of committers includes developers from several different 
countries. The core committers are geographically distributed across the U.S., 
Europe, and Asia. They are experienced with working in a distributed 

Reliance on Salaried Developers:
Bitnine invested in AgensGraph Extension and some of its key engineers are 
working full time on the project. In addition, since there is a growing graph 
database need, we look forward to other Apache developers and researchers to 
contribute to this project.

Relationships with Other Apache Products:
openCypher : Apache License 2.0
It is built on PG implementing openCypher which complies Apache license 2.0

An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand:
AgensGraph Extension is proposing to enter incubation at Apache in order to 
help efforts to diversify the committer-base and to give back to the community. 
The goal of this proposal is not to capitalize on the Apache brand but to give 
back more specifically to the Apache community. 

We already appeared in many reviews including in the IDC report as a top 4 
multimodel DBS and we are getting well known so there is no need for more 
market recognition.

Currently, the main documentation of the project is contained in the README.md 
in the source repository. More information on AgensGraph Extension can be found 
at https://sway.office.com/8zMnvFUaDihVADUu?ref=Link

Initial Source
AgensGraph Extension has been under development since 2019 by a team of 
engineers at Bitnine Inc. It is currently hosted on Github.com under an Apache 

Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan

External Dependencies
AgensGraph Extension has the following external dependencies: 
PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL License)
PostgreSQL is released under the PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source 
license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses. 
openCypher (Apache license 2.0)
The openCypher project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. 

The project currently does not handle cryptography.

Required Resources

Mailing lists
Git Repositories:
The Git repository is not public yet, but we can provide the private repository 
upon request for your review.

Issue Tracking:

Other Resources:

Initial Committers
Junseok Yang (jsy...@bitnine.net ), Josh Innis (josh.in...@bitnine.net ) , John 
Gemignani (john.gemign...@bitnine.net ) , Hyunwoo Ha (h...@bitnine.net)

We kindly request the Apache Incubator PMC to be the sponsor for this project.


Nominated Mentors:

Sponsoring Entity:
We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.

Thank you very much, 

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