Justin - yes all top 5 major contributors have agreed for it per
The repository was transferred by Hashicorp to the main/original author
Sander, it's not donated/transferred to the project yet.

Paul - thanks for volunteering. I've asked Sander (in cc) to scan and send
the software grants form (https://www.apache.org/licenses/software-grant.txt)
to ACS PMC. He has already submitted ICLA to secretary@ and relicensed the
codebase here: (both repos re-licensed under APLv2 with specific git tags
on latest branch both owned by Sander)

https://github.com/svanharmelen/terraform-provider-cloudstack (the main
terraform provider)

I've asked him to specify both repos under Exhibit A of software-grants.
I'll check again and then ask you Paul or Gabriel whoever can help with IP
clearance submission which requires I think to check the donated codebases
and create an XML file at:
(older cloudstack related xmls can be used as examples/references)


On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 4:35 PM Paul Angus <p...@angus.uk.com.invalid>

> @Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> I can do it as a Member or Gabriel can do it as an officer.
> As per the IP clearance page you reference, do you have the software grant
> ready to go?
> “A software grant must be provided to the ASF. This grant can either be
> done by the ASF Corporate CLA (via Schedule B) or the Software Grant
> Agreement. The completed and signed grant must be emailed to
> secret...@apache.org”
> Note: “Either an Individual CLA or Corporate CLA is preferred to a
> Software Grant. All authors must sign an Individual CLA; or all owners of
> IP must sign one of the three documents and send to secretary (reference
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
> <http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas>).”
> Kind regards
> Paul Angus
> *From:* Rohit Yadav <ro...@apache.org>
> *Sent:* 21 June 2021 10:25
> *To:* <priv...@cloudstack.apache.org> <priv...@cloudstack.apache.org>;
> general@incubator.apache.org
> *Subject:* IP clearance officer for accepting Terraform
> All,
> We're in the process of accepting the Terraform provider codebase under
> ACS PMC. The ACS PMC has already accepted the initiative and a vote on the
> same has already passed: https://markmail.org/message/g4prb25g7wakbifa
> As the next step, I was advised by ASF legal and others in the list to
> follow the IP clearance process for accepting the codebase. I've already
> been in touch with Sander who currently has got the repository transferred
> by Hashicorp (
> https://github.com/svanharmelen/terraform-provider-cloudstack) and all
> major contributors have agreed to codebase relicensing to APLv2 on record
> (see separate thread to ACS PMC).
> As part of IP clearance (
> https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/ip-clearance-template.html) it
> says:
> "IP Clearance processing must be executed either by an Officer or a Member
> of the ASF. If you are not an Officer or a Member, please contact your
> project chair who will find an appropriate volunteer. Incubator karma is
> also required. Please request karma from the incubator pmc if you do not
> have it."
> Therefore, is there anybody on the ACS PMC list (maybe Sebastien? or our
> chair Gabriel to help find?) who can help. I can volunteer too to be the IP
> clearance officer but I don't think I've the incubator karma - for which
> may I request general@incubator how to be granted the same. Thanks.
> Regards.

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