Dear Apache Incubator Community and IPMC members,
We discussed the graduation for Tuweni in the Apache Incubator
Community [4], where no issues were raised and positive replies were
After having the graduation discussion in the Tuweni community [1], we
have passed the vote within Tuweni community [2] and the vote result
was published [3].
I would like to start this voting thread to request graduating Apache
Tuweni(incubating) from Apache Incubator as a Top Level Project.
Please provide your vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 Yes, I support Tuweni project to graduate from the Apache Incubator.
[ ] +0 No opinion.
[ ] -1 No, the Tuweni project is not ready to graduate, because...
Thank you for participating in the vote. This vote will stay open for at
least 72 hours.
Here is an overview of the Apache Tuweni(incubating) to help with the
● The PPMC is active, with PMC members voting for graduation along with mentors.
● 6 new committers were added, bringing the total number of committers to 14 
from 12 different
● The number of contributors is now 25 and growing.
● The dev@Tuweni mailing list currently has 33 subscribers [4].
● Apache Tuweni (incubating) is a set of libraries and other tools to aid 
development of blockchain and other  decentralized software in Java and other 
JVM languages. It includes a low-level bytes library, serialization and 
deserialization codecs (e.g. RLP), various cryptography functions and 
primitives, and lots of other helpful utilities. Tuweni is developed for JDK 11 
or higher.
● Project maturity model and incubation status is detailed in [5]
● Tuweni has been incubating [5] since 2019-02-25 for over 45
● Tuweni community released a total of 14 Apache releases [6].
● 331 pull requests created closed [7].
● 76 issues created, and 46 issues closed [8].
● The release cadence is about 3 months.
*Brand, License, and Copyright*
● We submitted an application for the brand [9] and it has been
reviewed and approved.
● Tuweni community maintains project code on GitHub and all modules
code is under Apache 2.0 license. We have reviewed all the
dependencies and ensured they do not bring any license issues [10].
All the status files, license headers, and copyright are up to date.
● Tuweni official website [11] is compliant with Apache Foundation
requirements [12].
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