Sam Ruby wrote:
> Below is the proposed agenda.  Let me know if anybody would like to propose
> any additions or changes.
> We also need to discuss a venue.  PMC members now span three continents, so
> monthly face to face meetings are a wee bit impractical.  I can arrange a
> diali n, but that largely isn't scalable.  Jon has suggested IRC which I'm
> favorably inclined to.  Among other things, it can facility automatic
> recording of minutes.


> We also need to pick a time and a recurring schedule that most people can
> make.  100% attendance of PMC members will not always be possible, but I'd
> like us to pick a time that doesn't preclude anybody from attending.
> Something like 19:00-20:00 GMT has worked for similar other meetings for
> me.  It is after working hours for the UK and Europe, and before working
> hours for Austrailia, but it gives most people an opportunity.

19:00-20:00 GMT works for me.

> Finally, we need a preferred day.  Board meetings are the third Wednesday
> of every month.  I'd like to pick a schedule that allows status to be fed
> into the board in a convenient manner.  I'd also suggest avoiding Fridays
> as those times are actually Saturday morning in Austrailia.

How about Tuesday?

> 3. Old Business:

Can we get some progress reports on these items before the meeting, for
instance drafts that we can review and discuss here? This way we can
just make them official in the meeting and don't end up finding that we
need more time to digest the proposals, delaying the resolution even

Hans Bergsten           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software
Author of JavaServer Pages (O'Reilly),

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