on 3/22/01 7:23 PM, "Peter Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No it couldn't from what I understand. Commons won't allow imports directly
> from turbine/avalon and to try to do such a complex system generic from
> start may be a bit of a PITA at this stage. Especially when both
> turbine/avalon already offer a lot of support.

Woah. I didn't know that about the commons. So, we can't start with existing
code already housed on our servers? If that is the case, I see no future for
the Commons.

In fact, looking at it...


There still isn't any code in there.

All discussion and no code makes the Commons a dull boy.

Guess I will just keep plugging away with the perfectly working Turbine
Connection Pool and Scheduler Services.... :-)


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