At 12:55 12.04.2001 -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

[removed text]

>> Why do you think that it is wrong to have binaries in CVS? 
>All the disadvantages you listed.
>All the disadvantages Sam listed.

Sam objects to early binding. In other words to packages assuming a certain version of 
a dependency project where different versions of the dependency package behave 
differently. Is that correct?

I fail to see how this is *directly* related to putting binary files in CVS. Gump 
works regardless of what people put in their CVS modules. Right?

>The irrationality (IMHO) of checking generated artifacts into a source
>repository (same goes for HTML that's generated from XML in some projects,
>but we won't go there right now ;-)

:-) That is a different issue.

>The fact that, once in a while, you have to do maintenance on a dialup
>connection instead of a nice fast DSL line.  Case in point -- I had to
>update jakarta-site2 while at O'Reilly Enterprise Java over a modem
>connection, just after all the checked-in JAR files were updated to recent
>versions.  It took 45 f*cking minutes to do the CVS update.  Suffice it to
>say that the web site can go hang the next time I'm in that position.

I certainly empathize with that. One question that needs to be asked is whether 
placing the updated binaries in CVS is the culprit.

I just compared downloading ant.jar (295'948 bytes) using CVS update, scp and http. 
The results were roughly the same. A 512Kbit/sec link was used to perform the tests. 
Results may vary depending on server load. 

Assuming performance scales up or down linearly with bandwidth, then the logical 
conclusion is that the problem lies with the automatic and recursive updating done by 
"cvs update" and not the cvs/ssh channel per se.

Probably, what you really wanted was to update the files under xdocs/ but not the jar 
files under lib/.

So the automatic update done by CVS eases the distribution of binaries but also 
increases the communication/networking overhead. The overhead is particularly 
irritating if the changes in the binary are minor. 

In other words, putting binary files under CVS decreases the need for developer to 
developer  communication but increases computer to computer communication. Cheers, 

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