on 5/5/01 9:54 AM, "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think this is an important question, since the natural outcome of our
> providing open source frameworks is that people will eventually provide
> open source applications based on those frameworks.
> For example, I'm launching an online auction application Sunday for a
> public broadcasting station. My contract includes distributing the code
> as open source. I'd love to make that source available through Jakarta.
> If that happened, should it be jakarta-struts-gavel?


> We also have people
> working on Struts shopping cart application which could also go this
> route. 
> So, I guess my only question is that if we have three or four
> application projects in the works now, do we want to think about a
> jakarta-app group?
> I don't actually care myself, but I thought I should ask the question.

Na. I'm happy keeping them organized with their respective code bases. Also,
that would bring up the question of re-organizing the Jetspeed project which
has already been grand fathered in as a top level project.

Turbine and Struts both need as many sample applications as they can get.
Might as well organize them closely together so that their progress can be
carefully monitored.


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