On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:

| on 1/29/02 11:54 AM, "Endre Stølsvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > | What would you like to see happen?  Should we wipe the site with
| > | something that has no activity?  Should Jserv die because the last
| > | release was forever ago?  I think not.  Jserv is a production server
| > | that lives in many production sites.  Try finding a java web hoster
| > | that uses something other than Jserv.
| > |
| > | What is your patch to the problem?
| >
| > This is just some quick ideas.
| "Those with the most opinions tend to contribute the least code."
| We don't need quick ideas. We need people who are stepping up to the plate
| and making real stuff happen.

Why not view me as an outsider, trying to use your cool stuff, not finding
my way around, wading through small and big projects alike..
  Not even to mention XML (which I just discovered today) and the rest of
Apache. Should've been consolidated, the whole thing. Into a big nice

| > JServ IS deprecated, isn't it? ECS could be deprecated. Tomcat 3.1 too.
| > Maybe some other products as well.
| Excuse me, but why should ECS be deprecated? People still use it. There is
| still developers checking in code for it and patches are being sent to the
| mailing list. That smells like an active project to me.

Because there are _better_ alternatives, like maybe Velocity?

The "deprecated" thing would not remove the project, it could just direct
new people to use better, newer technologies. So both JServ, Tomcat 3.1
and ECS would still be used and even developed a bit further, but new
people could use better tech.

| > I feel that Apache and Jakarta has a real advantage over those other
| > systems in that there is a "board" that oversees the whole thing, accepts
| > new stuff into the system, and maybe also suggests that things should be
| > deprecated.  This will ensure that projects hosted at Jakarta would be of
| > another level of quality than other development systems. Accepting new
| > projects isn't impossible, it is desireable, I think.
| > It kind of seems like things can be both invented, or born, at Jakarta,
| > and that they can come from other sources. Shouldn't there be at least
| > some common "quality" control on these types of projects?
| First you say there is an advantage of no 'board that oversees the whole
| thing' and then you say shouldn't there be at least some common quality
| control. Make up your mind dude.

Hmm.. Huh? I say that Apache and Jakarta _has_ (should have used "have",
maybe?) a real advantage ..


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