on 1/29/02 12:18 PM, "Endre Stølsvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why not view me as an outsider, trying to use your cool stuff, not finding
> my way around, wading through small and big projects alike..

My point is that there is no such thing as an 'outsider'. You can become
just as involved as I am and there are no road blocks to doing so other than
your own.

If you have questions that would help clear up your confusion, I am more
than happy to answer them for you. If you would like to tell us how to do
things I'm more than happy to ignore you. If you would like to contribute
something that would improve the project, I would be more than happy to help

See my point?

> Because there are _better_ alternatives, like maybe Velocity?

Well, thanks for the compliments...given that I started both projects...

> The "deprecated" thing would not remove the project, it could just direct
> new people to use better, newer technologies. So both JServ, Tomcat 3.1
> and ECS would still be used and even developed a bit further, but new
> people could use better tech.

It is plastered all over the Jserv homepage that it is deprecated. ECS isn't
deprecated because it does still have uses for some people. Some people
honestly prefer it.


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