----- Original Message -----
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 3/5/02 10:40 PM, "Jon Scott Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I suggest that a few people step up to volunteer to make JakartaOne
> > because it isn't going to happen all by itself. :-) Maybe even setup
> > mailing list to do planning on so that people who are interested in
> > can join it and discuss things. If people are going to speak, a call for
> > papers needs to go out, etc...
> >
> > As far as I'm concerned with StudioZ, I think we have agreed that
> > the 26th is the day, but I still need a decision for the time's that the
> > event will happen for.
> Good question - day or night?  Which implies less conflict with things
> people want to see/do at JavaOne?

Maybe both? Daytime could be a bit more formal & organised and night time
could be more adhoc & beery ;)

Last year was my first JavaOne and I found most of the stuff in the day in
the first day or two to be miss-able - its usually the evening sessions or
stuff later in the week that were most fun.

> Are the schedules available yet?
> I'm happy to do the call for presentations if I can get two others to help
> me select if there are too many.  I assume we'll take all that we can fit
> into the allotted time, but with more than one person, we can judiciously
> select if we have to.

I'll gladly help.


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