On 3/11/02 12:31 PM, "Scott Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have we invited the xml apache people yet?

Everyone on the planet is invited....  Once we get things sorted out time
and such, we'll post this all over...

> I think we should...
> Scott
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:05 AM
>> To: Jakarta General List
>> Subject: JakartaOne : Plan
>> Enough people have expressed interest in Jakarta One that I
>> believe we should go forward, at least as a social gathering
>> so we can see what we all look like.
>> Due to the short amount of time available for preparation, as
>> the de-facto chair of the de-facto committee (James, Jon,
>> although he doesn't know it, and myself...) I would like to
>> propose that we table the idea of a separate technical
>> session and keep it social.
>> However, if we have enough interest, we can do them in
>> conjunction with the social program.  That might make in less
>> formal, and people will be less inhibited.  For example, I
>> know I can get a well-known Java programmer to come and talk
>> about why he likes .NET so much.  If we can convince Sam Ruby
>> to show up, as chair of the .NET CLR ECMA committee (did I
>> get that right, Sam?), we can turn it into a discussion
>> rather than a presentation.
>> JakartaOne 2002
>> ===============
>> When
>> ----
>> Tuesday, March 26, 2002 time TBA : suggest evening, with
>> technical talks first, then music afterwards - refreshments
>> served throughout
>> Where
>> -----
>> StudioZ.tv (http://www.studioz.tv/) (Jon Scott Steven's
>> club/event space)
>> What
>> ----
>> Gathering of the Open Source community  - meet the faces with
>> possible informal technical talks.  Refreshments certainly available.
>> ----
>> While not required for entrance, the courtesy of an RSVP to
>> help us gauge attendance will be appreciated.  To do so, send
>> a message to geirm at optonline dot net with the subject line
>>   [RSVP] JakartaOne
>> And that will be fine.
>> Call for Papers
>> ---------------
>> Anyone wishing to give a short talk (10-15 mins) on something
>> they think is interesting and relevant is invited to submit a
>> short proposal to geirm at optonline dot net, which will be
>> reviewed by the ad-hoc committee (Geir and
>> James).    If there are enough willing participants, we will
>> get facilities
>> set up (white screen and projector...)
>> One idea is to invite the Jboss people over - they are having
>> 'JBossOne' at the same time, but during the day, so maybe we
>> could get a few to come and talk at JakartaOne as well.
>> What We Need
>> ------------
>> I am on the east coast of the US, and will be in the UK the
>> week before JakartaOne, so need some local help.  Since we
>> are minimizing the scope, and StudioZ.tv will be managing the
>> refreshments, it seems that the biggest need
>> will be wrt publicity.   I have no clue how to do this, but
>> here are things
>> that spring to mind.  I assume that Jon with his event
>> organization experience will correct and add to the list.
>>  o Can we get volunteers to distribute flyers at the Tuesday
>> morning keynote, or in the lunch areas during the day?  We
>> could do that both Monday and Tuesday to get some awareness....
>>  o We will need some financial support to pay for the paper
>> and copying cost.  Maybe 1/4 size 8.5x11 handbills can be
>> cheap to produce at kinko's? If someone could figure out how
>> much it would cost, I will be happy to pay for some, and we
>> can take a collection or approach the ASF.
>>  o Once we iron out the specifics (like what times are
>> appropos) I'll be happy to post the finaly announcement
>> anywhere and everywhere.  If we can get it on Slashdot... :)
>> Anything else?
>> -- 
>> Geir Magnusson Jr.                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> System and Software Consulting
>> You're going to end up getting pissed at your software
>> anyway, so you might as well not pay for it. Try Open Source.
>> --
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Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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